The Zimbabwe Independent

AI in Zim: The future is now

- Naison Bangure ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGEN­CE ENTHUSIAST Bangure is an AI enthusiast and scholar. —

LAST week, James Manyika, a Zimbabwean-american and Google’s first senior vice-president of research, technology and society, highlighte­d the transforma­tive potential of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) in his presentati­on at a conference in Victoria Falls.

e theme, “Artificial Intelligen­ce as a driving force for the African economy and society”, encapsulat­es the significan­t impact of AI on various sectors, reshaping the way we live and work in today’s rapidly evolving technologi­cal landscape.

Manyika’s insights on AI revolved around four key areas: i) assessing the current state of AI developmen­t, ii) exploring the opportunit­ies it offers for Africa’s progress, iii) addressing the challenges and gaps that require attention, and iv) outlining the steps needed for Africa to effectivel­y leverage the potential of AI.

ese discussion­s pave the way for a deeper exploratio­n of AI’S implicatio­ns for the future. At its core, AI refers to the ability of machines to mimic human intelligen­ce.

It involves the developmen­t of computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligen­ce, such as visual perception, speech recognitio­n and decision-making.

AI algorithms can analyse vast amounts of data, learn from patterns, and make prediction­s or recommenda­tions with remarkable accuracy.

e impact of AI is already evident in various industries. In healthcare, Ai-powered systems can analyse medical images and assist in diagnosing diseases with incredible precision. In finance, AI algorithms can analyse market trends and make informed investment decisions.

In manufactur­ing, Ai-powered robots can automate repetitive tasks, leading to increased productivi­ty and efficiency. But AI is not without its challenges. Ethical concerns around privacy, job displaceme­nt, and bias have raised important questions about the responsibl­e developmen­t and deployment of AI technologi­es.

As we embrace the AI revolution, it is crucial to ensure that AI is developed and used in a way that benefits all of society. Despite the challenges, the potential of AI is immense.

As technology continues to advance, AI has the power to transform industries, improve healthcare outcomes, and enhance our daily lives. e possibilit­ies are endless.

e impact of AI on Zimbabwe is multifacet­ed. Without it being referred to as AI, as such, it has been prevalent in various forms for quite a while.

It is promising significan­t transforma­tions across various sectors including healthcare, agricultur­e, finance, and manufactur­ing. AI’S integratio­n into healthcare is set to revolution­ise early disease detection, diagnostic­s, and patient care, potentiall­y improving outcomes and efficiency within the sector.

In agricultur­e, AI applicatio­ns are enhancing crop yields through optimised irrigation, fertilisat­ion and pest control, contributi­ng to increased productivi­ty and sustainabi­lity.

e finance sector benefits from AI through fraud detection, automation of financial processes and improved customer service via chatbots.

When a new wave of industrial retooling arrives, manufactur­ing is set to seeing advancemen­ts in robotics and automation, leading to higher efficiency and safety.

However, the adoption of AI also presents challenges. Limited access to advanced technologi­es, inadequate infrastruc­ture, and a shortage of skilled AI profession­als are significan­t hurdles. Addressing these challenges requires investment in research and developmen­t, capacity building programmes, and fostering publicpriv­ate partnershi­ps.

e collaborat­ive efforts of Manyika and Econet founder Strive Masiyiwa to stay abreast of technologi­cal progress in both Africa and Zimbabwe have culminated in the launch of initiative­s aimed at fostering innovation and entreprene­urship in the region.

ey have been instrument­al in supporting start-ups, providing mentorship, and creating opportunit­ies for young tech enthusiast­s to thrive. eir dedication to driving progress and shaping the future of technology in Africa and Zimbabwe is truly commendabl­e, inspiring a new generation of leaders and change-makers in the tech industry.

Furthermor­e, the potential for job displaceme­nt due to automation raises concerns. It emphasises the need for re-skilling programmes to help the workforce adapt to new roles where human input is essential.

Additional­ly, ethical considerat­ions, such as the potential bias in AI algorithms, highlight the importance of designing AI systems with diversity and inclusion in mind.

To harness AI’S benefits while mitigating its risks, Zimbabwe needs a strategic approach that includes embracing technology, investing in necessary infrastruc­ture and skills, and ensuring inclusive and ethical AI developmen­t.

is approach can position Zimbabwe at the forefront of the AI revolution, driving innovation and economic growth. Masiyiwa recently shared an exciting update on Facebook about a collaborat­ion between his company and Google Cloud with Anthropic, a prominent AI company, to introduce AI technology to African businesses and organisati­ons.

is partnershi­p heralds a new era where Africa can embrace cutting-edge technology and innovation without delay, offering unparallel­ed opportunit­ies for businesses and entreprene­urs on the continent.

This collaborat­ion signifies a significan­t shift in the African tech landscape, demonstrat­ing that Africa is no longer a passive observer but an active participan­t in driving technologi­cal advancemen­ts and creating value. It mirrors the essence of Manyika’s discourse on the transforma­tive impact of AI in Africa, emphasisin­g the importance of seizing the opportunit­ies presented by technologi­cal innovation­s to better serve customers and create value.

Masiyiwa also highlighte­d the evolution of his company’s journey from a telecommun­ications firm to Africa’s leading technology company through strategic pivoting, a technique that involves leveraging existing capabiliti­es to venture into new territorie­s, all aimed at enhancing customer service and value creation.

Notably, Liquid Cloud and Cybersecur­ity, known as Liquid C2, emerged as a pivotal player in his Cassava Technologi­es’ mission to ensure that every African benefits from the ongoing technology revolution, forging strong partnershi­ps with global tech giants seeking collaborat­ions in Africa.

e potential of AI in Zimbabwe is vast, promising transforma­tions in healthcare, agricultur­e, finance, and manufactur­ing. While the integratio­n of AI offers numerous benefits, challenges such as limited access to advanced technologi­es and job displaceme­nt necessitat­e strategic investment­s in research, skills developmen­t, and ethical AI practices.

By embracing technology, fostering innovation, and prioritisi­ng inclusivit­y, Zimbabwe can position itself as a leader in the AI revolution, driving economic growth and societal advancemen­t.

As we navigate the era of artificial intelligen­ce, it is imperative to approach AI adoption with a forward-thinking and ethical mindset, ensuring that the benefits of AI are maximised while mitigating potential risks.

It is clear that AI will play a pivotal role in shaping our society. e future of Zimbabwe lies in embracing AI responsibl­y and leveraging its potential for the greater good, ushering in a new era where the future is now.

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