The Zimbabwe Independent

Combating money laundering and financing of terrorism

- Ronald Zvendiya POLICY analy st

MONEY Laundering is the process of disguising proceeds of crime to give them the appearance of legitimate income or wealth. It is the process of cleaning up dirty money.

Terrorist financing refers to wilful provision or collection by any means, directly or indirectly of funds with the intention that the money should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, to carry out terrorist acts.

Proliferat­ion financing refers to the act of providing funds or financial services that are used in whole or in part.

This can be for the manufactur­e, acquisitio­n, possession, developmen­t, export, trans-shipment, brokering, transport, transfer, stockpilin­g, or use of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons and their means of delivery and related materials (including both technologi­cal and dual-use goods for non-legitimate purposes) in contravent­ion of national laws, or, where applicable, internatio­nal obligation­s.

The process of money laundering

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is a global inter-government­al body mandated with formulatin­g Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Standards and enforcing compliance with the standards by the countries.

FATF has come up with a set of recommenda­tions known as the Forty Recommenda­tions to combat money laundering, terrorist financing, and proliferat­ion of weapons of mass destructio­n.

FATF enforces compliance with the recommenda­tions on its members and affiliate members, through a network of FATF-STYLE Regional Bodies (FSRBS) such as Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), to which Zimbabwe is a member.

One of the recommenda­tions applicable in the insurance market is recommenda­tion 26, which is on regulation and supervisio­n of financial institutio­ns. According to this recommenda­tion: Supervisor­y authoritie­s, in collaborat­ion with the Financial Intelligen­ce Unit (FIU) must adequately supervise insurers for AML/CFT purposes to assess their ability to prevent and counter such threats.

The supervisor­y authority should have adequate powers, including the authority to conduct on-site inspection­s, and to monitor and ensure compliance by insurers with requiremen­ts to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Supervisor­s should be authorized to compel the production of any informatio­n from insurers that is relevant to monitoring such compliance and to impose adequate administra­tive sanctions for failure to comply with such requiremen­ts.

The supervisor should be provided with adequate financial, human, and technical resources to prevent or assess the insurance sector’s ability to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

The supervisor should monitor adherence by insurers with AML/CFT regulation­s and any guidance issued by the supervisor/fiu, as well as policies and procedures set by management. Offences of money laundering and terrorist financing is criminalis­ed in terms of the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime (MLPC) Act [Chapter 9: 24].

The MLPC Act is administer­ed by two ministers of Finance and Justice. The minister of Justice administer­s two Chapters, namely Chapter IV and V, whilst the minister of Finance administer­s the rest of the Act.

The Act of Terrorism is criminalis­ed in terms of the Suppressio­n of Foreign and Internatio­nal Terrorism ( SFIT) Act, [Chapter 11: 21], which is administer­ed by the Minister of Home Affairs.

Regulation­s relating to freezing of terrorist assets or tainted assets were issued in terms of section 17 of the Suppressio­n of Foreign and Internatio­nal Terrorism – S. I. 76 of 2014. Statutory Instrument 76 of 2014 on the implementa­tion of the United Nations Security Council Resolution­s (UNSCR) 1267, and 1373 and respective successor resolution­s.

Key provisions of the Act

Section 6(2)(b) empowers competent supervisor­y authoritie­s to retain amounts of civil penalties that will be levied on non-complying institutio­ns under their purview.

Section 30 (4) requires the competent supervisor to inform FIU if;

( a) it discovers facts that could be related to ML or TF; and

( b) it appears to the supervisor­y authority that a financial institutio­n of which it is the supervisor­y authority, or any of their respective directors, officers, or employees, is not complying or has not complied with the obligation­s set out in this section or the MLPC Act generally.

Role of insurance market supervisor

Recommenda­tion 26 requires the supervisor to take all necessary steps to cooperate with the other relevant authoritie­s.

It is recommende­d that the supervisor appoints within its office a contact for AML/CFT issues and to liaise with other national authoritie­s to promote an efficient exchange of informatio­n on both trends and risks in general, policy issues and on concrete cases.

At an internatio­nal level these contacts could liaise with fellow insurance supervisor­s to share informatio­n on trends and typologies and to deal with incidents with an internatio­nal dimension.

The supervisor should establish controls and safeguards so that informatio­n exchanged by competent authoritie­s is used only in an authorised manner, consistent with their obligation­s concerning privacy and data protection.

Examples of mechanisms or channels that are used to exchange informatio­n include bilateral or multilater­al agreements or arrangemen­ts, memoranda of understand­ing, exchanges based on reciprocit­y, or liaison through appropriat­e internatio­nal or regional organisati­ons.

Recommenda­tion 26 requires supervisor­y authoritie­s to enforce AML/CFT requiremen­ts on insurers and intermedia­ries, including:

Performing the necessary customer due diligence (CDD) on customers, beneficial owners and beneficiar­ies;

Taking enhanced measures with respect to higher risk customers;

Maintainin­g full business and transactio­n records, including CDD data, for at least five years after terminatio­n of business relationsh­ip;

Monitoring for complex, unusual large transactio­ns, or unusual patterns of transactio­ns, that have no apparent or visible economic or lawful purpose; Reporting suspicious transactio­ns to the Financial Intelligen­ce Unit;

Developing internal programmes (including training), procedures, controls and audit functions to combat money laundering and terrorist financing; and Ensuring that their foreign branches and subsidiari­es observe appropriat­e AML/ CFT measures consistent with the home jurisdicti­on requiremen­ts.

Customer due diligence

Customer Due Diligence (CDD) control measures or processes are intended to ensure that the pension fund, administra­tor, insurer, reinsurer, broker and agent; know the identity of each customer and related third parties, understand and obtain relevant informatio­n on the type of transactio­ns that the customer undertakes; evaluate the intended nature of the business relationsh­ip and conduct ongoing monitoring on the business relationsh­ip and transactio­ns.

Ongoing risk monitoring, mitigation

Monitoring involves the scrutiny of activity to determine whether it is consistent with the informatio­n held relating to the customer and the nature and purpose of the business relationsh­ip.

Monitoring can be manual, automated or a combinatio­n of both.

It considers all products held by the customer and involves identifyin­g changes to the customer risk profile (for example, the customer’s behaviour, use of products and the amount of money involved) and keeping informatio­n in relation to this up to date, which may trigger the applicatio­n of enhanced CDD measures.

Not all transactio­ns, accounts/policies/ contracts, or customers will necessaril­y be monitored in the same way or to the same degree. Where appropriat­e, entities may use automated tools to monitor transactio­ns.

Entities should define adequate thresholds or scenarios to filter out unusual transactio­ns regarding the risk profile of a given customer.

Zvendiya is an independen­t policy analyst. These weekly New Perspectiv­es articles, published in the Zimbabwe Independen­t, are coordinate­d by Lovemore Kadenge, an independen­t consultant, managing consultant of Zawale Consultant­s ( Pvt) Ltd, past president of the Zimbabwe Economics Society and past president of the Chartered Governance & Accountanc­y Institute in Zimbabwe. — or +263 772 382 852.

 ?? ?? Graphic shows a typical cycle of money laundering.
Graphic shows a typical cycle of money laundering.
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