The Zimbabwe Independent

Understand­ing suicide among diaspora-born youths in Zim

- Jacob Mutisi ICT expert Mutisi is the CEO of Hansole Investment­s (Pvt) Ltd and the current chairperso­n of Zimbabwe Informatio­n & Communicat­ion Technology, a division of Zimbabwe Institutio­n for Engineers.

Media reports highlighti­ng suicides among Zimbabwean­s born in the diaspora are deeply concerning.

Time has come for Zimbabwean­s to understand the underlying factors contributi­ng to this distressin­g trend.

By examining unique challenges faced by diaspora-born youths, we can gain a better understand­ing of the root causes of their vulnerabil­ity to suicide.

It is crucial to address this issue proactivel­y and implement effective strategies to support the mental health and well-being of these individual­s.

Cultural identity, sense of belonging

One of the key factors contributi­ng to this problem is the struggle to establish a solid cultural identity and sense of belonging.

Growing up in a foreign country often means being distanced from Zimbabwean traditions, values, and customs.

These individual­s may experience a profound sense of disconnect­ion, feeling like they do not fully belong to either their country of birth or their ancestral homeland.

This identity crisis can lead to feelings of isolation, alienation, and an overwhelmi­ng sense of not fitting in, which can significan­tly impact their mental well-being and increase suicide risks.

Family expectatio­ns and pressure

Diaspora-born youths often face immense pressure to succeed academical­ly, profession­ally, and socially. Parents and extended family members may have high expectatio­ns, hoping that their children will achieve great success as a result of the opportunit­ies provided by their new environmen­t.

This pressure can create a significan­t burden, leading to feelings of inadequacy, fear of failure, and intense stress.

In some cases, the weight of these expectatio­ns becomes unbearable, contributi­ng to feelings of hopelessne­ss and despair that can lead to suicide.

Social isolation and loneliness

Moving to a foreign country can result in social isolation and profound loneliness for diaspora-born youths.

They often leave behind establishe­d support networks, friends, and familiar environmen­ts, making it challengin­g to build new connection­s in their adopted country.

The struggle to integrate into a different social and cultural context can be overwhelmi­ng, leading to feelings of isolation and a lack of meaningful relationsh­ips.

Without a strong support system, these individual­s may face heightened vulnerabil­ity to mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, which can ultimately escalate into suicidal thoughts and actions.

Cultural stigma and mental health

The stigma surroundin­g mental health within Zimbabwean communitie­s, both in the diaspora and in Zimbabwe, can exacerbate the challenges faced by those born in other countries.

Cultural beliefs, misconcept­ions, and the fear of judgment can prevent individual­s from seeking help or openly discussing their struggles. The pressure to maintain a positive image and the perception of success can further discourage them from seeking support.

Consequent­ly, those experienci­ng mental health challenges may suffer in silence, exacerbati­ng the feeling of despair and increasing the risk of suicide.

The problem needs urgent attention and a proactive response.

To address this alarming trend, it is vital to foster a supportive environmen­t that promotes cultural understand­ing, acceptance, and open discussion­s about mental health.

Efforts should be directed towards creating accessible mental health services, raising awareness about the challenges faced by diaspora-born youths, and providing platforms for them to connect with their cultural heritage.

By addressing these underlying factors and offering support, we can strive to prevent further tragedies and ensure the well-being of diaspora-born youths in Zimbabwe.

Informatio­n has the power to protect Zimbabwean nationals in diaspora.

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