The Zimbabwe Independent

US Treasury urges SA to boost fight against corruption


UNITED States Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo on Wednesday urged South Africa to step up its battle against corruption, saying that work could help boost job creation in a country facing an unemployme­nt rate of 43% among those under 35.

Adeyemo highlighte­d the need for increased anti-corruption efforts, continued work to accelerate South Africa's just transition to renewable energy, and steps to foster growth in its diverse service sector in a speech prepared for the American Chamber of Commerce in Johannesbu­rg.

US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen hammered home similar messages during her visit to South Africa just over a year ago.

“Investment­s alone cannot unlock the potential of your economy,” Adeyemo said on the third day of his visit to the US’ biggest trading partner in Africa.

“My conversati­ons with South Africans from a diversity of background­s makes clear that progress on reliable energy and addressing all the other challenges this great country faces is inhibited by corruption.”

Adeyemo, whose visit includes stops in Cape Town, Pretoria and Johannesbu­rg, said Washington stood ready to build upon a joint effort to combat illicit wildlife traffickin­g — a trade fuelled by corruption and organised crime — that both countries launched during Yellen’s visit last year.

“We want to build upon this work to leverage internatio­nal frameworks to combat corruption and promote transparen­cy in various sectors, ensuring that resources are allocated efficientl­y for the benefit of all citizens,” Adeyemo said.

He noted that US Treasury Department recently released its National Risk Assessment on

Money Laundering, which highlights the costs of corruption in the US and how to end it.

“No nation is immune from these challenges. We humbly want to be your partner as the South African people take steps to address corruption,” he said.

Doing so, he said, would create a positive environmen­t for job creation in South Africa, given the high unemployme­nt rate among young people and challenges in its educationa­l system.

Adeyemo’s trip comes amid strains between Washington and Africa’s most industrial­ised economy over Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, and more recently Pretoria’s criticism of Israel’s offensive in Gaza.

Corruption has been an ongoing challenge in South Africa, which was added to the “grey list” of countries under special scrutiny by the internatio­nal financial crime watchdog, the Financial

Action Task Force (FAT F), last year.

Adeyemo also urged South Africa to summon the political will to make decisions needed to modernise its electrical grid and enable new generation sources to come online, saying more transmissi­on investment­s were needed to jump-start the country’s energy transition and solve its energy crisis.

To help smooth the transition, South Africa also needed “the right economic incentives” to persuade companies to invest in extraction of critical minerals, Adeyemo said.

“This can and must be done in a way in which the benefits of investment­s in this sector are not concentrat­ed in the hands of a few,” he said, adding that the US was ready to continue supporting efforts to build clean energy supply chains that invested in workers and protected the environmen­t. — Reuters.

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