The Zimbabwe Independent

Alternativ­e farming ways during drought

- Kuda Gwabanayi JOURNALIST Gwabanayi is a practising journalist and a farmer in his own right. — 0772 865 703 or gwabanayi@

A LOT of farmers are in panic mode as the effects of El Niño phenomenon start to be felt. e drought has forced farmers to reduce their livestock as they anticipate the food and water situation to get worse.

However, farmers must consider alternativ­e solutions so that people and animals do not compete for grain.

In times of natural disasters like droughts, traditiona­l methods of feeding animals are strained, leading to devastatin­g repercussi­ons for both livestock and people.

Anesu Marova believes in the midst of adversity lies opportunit­ies — a chance to explore alternativ­e sources of protein that not only sustain livestock, but also mitigate the pressures on existing resources like soya beans.

With his Usena Solutions, he has managed to delve into the realm of alternativ­e protein sources, with a particular focus on maggot farming using the black soldier fly and Azolla farming.

ese alternativ­es not only offer resilience in the face of a drought, but also provide a sustainabl­e pathway towards ensuring food security for both animals and humans.

With the challenges posed by drought, alternativ­e protein sources emerge as beacons of hope, offering a sustainabl­e pathway forward. Two such alternativ­es — maggot farming using the black soldier fly and Azolla farming — stand out for their efficacy, resilience and nutritiona­l value.

Maggot farming

Maggot farming, facilitate­d by the black soldier fly (hermetia illucens), presents a promising alternativ­e to convention­al animal feed sources. Unlike soya beans, which require extensive water and land resources, maggot farming is highly resource-efficient and environmen­tally sustainabl­e.

e black soldier fly larvae thrive on organic waste, transformi­ng it into highqualit­y protein biomass suitable for animal consumptio­n.

Advantages of maggot farming

High protein content: black soldier flies larvae boast of impressive protein content, ranging from 40% to 60%, making them an excellent source of nutrition for livestock.

Resource efficiency: maggot farming utilises organic waste streams, such as food scraps and agricultur­al by-products, reducing environmen­tal pollution and promoting circular economy principles. Rapid growth and reproducti­on: black soldier fly larvae exhibit rapid growth rates, allowing for continuous production cycles and a steady supply of protein-rich feed for livestock.

Reduced dependence on soybeans: by incorporat­ing maggot meal into animal feed formulatio­ns, farmers can mitigate the reliance on soya beans, thereby alleviatin­g pressure on soya bean cultivatio­n during drought periods.

Azolla farming

Azolla, which is a genus of aquatic ferns, holds immense potential as protein-rich feed supplement for livestock. Cultivated in water bodies, such as ponds and lakes, Azolla offers a sustainabl­e alternativ­e to traditiona­l fodder crops, particular­ly in regions prone to water scarcity.

Advantages of Azolla farming

Protein abundance: Azolla is renowned for its high protein content, averaging around 25% to 35%, making it a valuable source of nutrition for livestock, including poultry, pigs, and fish.

Nitrogen fixation: Azolla possesses the unique ability to fix atmospheri­c nitrogen, enriching the surroundin­g water bodies and enhancing soil fertility when used as a bio fertiliser in agricultur­al systems.

Water conservati­on: Azolla cultivatio­n requires minimal water compared to convention­al crops, making it wellsuited for regions facing water scarcity or drought conditions.

Versatilit­y: Azolla can be grown alongside other aquatic species, such as fish or shrimp, in integrated aquacultur­e systems, promoting resource efficiency and diversific­ation in agricultur­al practices.


While the advantages of alternativ­e protein sources are evident, widespread adoption and integratio­n into existing agricultur­al systems require concerted efforts at multiple levels.

Government­s, agricultur­al extension services, research institutio­ns, and nongovernm­ental organisati­ons play pivotal roles in advocating for and facilitati­ng the transition towards sustainabl­e livestock production practices.

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