The Zimbabwe Independent

Plight of the girl child in Matabelela­nd


„ Dear Mr President,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. Your Excellency, I write to you with a heavy heart concerning the plight of the girl-child in rural Matabelela­nd.

I am writing to you to bring urgent attention to the critical issues facing the communitie­s of Nkayi, Tsholotsho, Binga, and other rural areas within the Matabelela­nd North and South regions.

Despite your government's stated commitment to achieving inclusivit­y and empowermen­t for women and the girlchild, particular­ly through education, several structural factors are hindering the realisatio­n of these noble goals.

One of the most pressing concerns is the shortage of schools and educationa­l resources in these regions. Many children, especially girls, are unable to access quality education due to the lack of adequate infrastruc­ture.

Many are forced to travel long distances to reach the nearest school, often encounteri­ng harsh terrain and bad weather. A young mother must accompany their four-year-old ECD-A child to a school that can be between two and five kilometres from their homestead.

They accompany the learner in the morning and make the same journey five hours later to collect the child.

At times the poor woman has to do this with a baby strapped to her back. The learner gets to school exhausted, and concentrat­ion becomes impossible as they spend learning time thinking about the journey back home. This leads to high absenteeis­m as children are exhausted to go to school daily at times on empty tummies.

Furthermor­e, the low teacher-pupil ratio exacerbate­s this problem, leading to overcrowde­d classrooms and diminished learning outcomes. Without sufficient schools and qualified educators, the potential of these bright young minds remains untapped, perpetuati­ng cycles of poverty and inequality.

To address these pressing concerns, Your Excellency, it is necessary to adopt a multifacet­ed approach. First and foremost, there is a need for significan­t investment in infrastruc­ture. This includes the constructi­on of new schools and the improvemen­t of existing facilities to ensure that more children have access to education within a conducive learning environmen­t.

Alongside this, there is an urgent need to increase the number of qualified teachers to improve the teacher-pupil ratio. This could be achieved by offering competitiv­e remunerati­on packages to attract more individual­s to the profession, and implementi­ng comprehens­ive training programmes to enhance their skills and competenci­es.

The role of technology cannot be overlooked either. The introducti­on of digital learning platforms can supplement traditiona­l classroom teaching, especially in areas where resources are scarce.

This would not only broaden the reach of education but also provide a diverse range of learning materials that can cater to different learning styles.

In addition to inadequate educationa­l facilities, there is a severe lack of essential resources, such as computers and learning materials. In today's digital age, access to technology is essential for students to develop the skills necessary to thrive in the modern world.

By neglecting to provide these resources, we are depriving our youth, particular­ly girls, of the tools they need to succeed academical­ly and profession­ally.

Therefore, it is imperative that we bridge this digital divide. We must strive to equip our rural schools with the necessary technologi­cal resources, such as computers and digital learning materials.

This will not only enhance the learning experience but also prepare our students for the digital future. Furthermor­e, we must ensure that these resources are accessible to all students, regardless of gender or socio-economic status. This includes providing training and support to help them effectivel­y utilise these tools.

While there have been commendabl­e efforts by the government to introduce digital learning in schools, these initiative­s must be expanded and accelerate­d to meet the needs of all students. It is imperative that we bridge the digital divide and provide our rural learners with the same opportunit­ies as their urban counterpar­ts.

Your Excellency, community informatio­n centres, if rolled out to marginalis­ed areas, can play a pivotal role in ensuring children living in rural communitie­s have access to the internet and digital technologi­es.

By doing so, we can empower our youth, particular­ly our girls, to excel academical­ly and profession­ally, thereby driving the nation’s progress forward. It is a plea to your administra­tion, Mr President, to prioritise this issue and invest in our nation’s digital future.

Furthermor­e, the pervasive issue of gender-based violence and the exploitati­on of the girl child continues to plague our communitie­s. Older girls are vulnerable to abuse as they travel long distances to the nearest high school.

As a result, there are high cases of rape and teenage pregnancie­s as girls are abused. This situation is unacceptab­le and requires immediate attention. The failure to act means girls’ fundamenta­l rights continue to be undermined with the result that they are unlikely to pursue educationa­l opportunit­ies and achieve their full potential.

We must establish robust protection mechanisms to safeguard our girls from these heinous acts. This includes enforcing stringent laws against gender-based violence and exploitati­on and ensuring that perpetrato­rs are brought to justice.

Additional­ly, we must invest in awareness programmes that educate our communitie­s about the rights of the girl child and the detrimenta­l effects of these abuses.

Furthermor­e, we must provide support services for victims, including counsellin­g and rehabilita­tion programmes, to help them recover and reintegrat­e into society.

By doing so, Your Excellency, we can create a safe and supportive environmen­t that enables our girls to pursue their education and realise their full potential.

This is a call to your administra­tion, Mr. President, to take decisive action against gender-based violence and exploitati­on, and to uphold the rights of every girl in our nation.

Lastly, widespread rural poverty exacerbate­s these challenges, further marginalis­ing women and girls and perpetuati­ng the cycle of inequality. The harsh reality is that many families in these communitie­s grapple daily with the biting claws of poverty. This severely limits their ability to provide their children with the necessary support for their studies, a support that goes beyond mere encouragem­ent and delves into tangible resources.

The lack of education among the populace perpetuate­s the region’s economic stagnation. Without a well-educated workforce, opportunit­ies for economic growth are severely limited. The community remains trapped in a cycle of poverty and illiteracy, a cycle that is increasing­ly difficult to break as time goes on.

As such, it is essential that we implement economic empowermen­t initiative­s that are specifical­ly designed to uplift these marginalis­ed communitie­s. This could include microfinan­ce programmes that provide small loans to women to start their own businesses, agricultur­al support programmes that equip farmers with modern farming techniques and resources, and vocational training programmes that equip individual­s with the skills needed for gainful employment.

By providing these communitie­s with the means to generate a sustainabl­e income, we can help them break free from the cycle of poverty. Furthermor­e, by empowering women and girls economical­ly, we can help them gain independen­ce and control over their lives, thereby challengin­g traditiona­l gender norms and promoting equality.

Community developmen­t programmes could focus on improving the overall socioecono­mic conditions of the communitie­s, thereby indirectly supporting education. This could include initiative­s aimed at job creation, skill developmen­t, and income generation.

Collaborat­ing with private entities could bring additional resources and innovative solutions to address the educationa­l divide. This could include corporate social responsibi­lity initiative­s by businesses operating in or near these communitie­s.

Mr President, it is imperative that we take decisive action to address these structural factors and fulfill our government's commitment to inclusivit­y and empowermen­t. I urge you to allocate sufficient resources to improve educationa­l infrastruc­ture, enhance teacher training programmes, and ensure the provision of essential learning resources, including computers and textbooks.

Additional­ly, comprehens­ive measures must be implemente­d to combat gender-based violence and protect the rights of women and girls.

Investing in education and gender equality is not just a moral imperative; it is also crucial for the long-term prosperity and stability of our nation. By empowering women and girls and providing them with equal opportunit­ies, we can unlock their full potential and build a more prosperous and inclusive society for all.

Thank you, Your Excellency, for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to seeing meaningful progress on these issues under your leadership.

NB: This is a weekly column and we would like to invite fellow citizens to contribute and be part of this thought leadership and nation building initiative. You can e-mail your contributi­ons to fzaba@

 ?? ?? Girls are vulnerable to abuse as they travel long distances to the nearest high school, and as a result there are high cases of rape and teenage pregnancie­s.
Girls are vulnerable to abuse as they travel long distances to the nearest high school, and as a result there are high cases of rape and teenage pregnancie­s.
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