The Zimbabwe Independent

African decolonisa­tion in Southern Rhodesian Politics, 1950–1963


The revolution­ary political transforma­tion that spread across Africa in the aftermath of the Second World War revived and accelerate­d African nationalis­m and the decolonisa­tion movement tremendous­ly.

Beginning with Ghana in 1957, many African countries in west, east and central Africa gained independen­ce on the basis of black majority rule at a lightning speed. This historical phenomenon was described by the then British prime minister Harold Wilson in a speech addressed to a capacity audience of the Parliament of South Africa on 3 February 1960 in Cape Town, in these words, ‘‘the wind of change is blowing through this continent. Whether we like it or not, this growth of national consciousn­ess is a political fact.’’

Indeed, in the 1950z and 60z, the demand for self-determinat­ion, independen­ce and freedom had become a contagious and fiery transnatio­nal movement on the African continent and Southern Rhodesia (Colonial Zimbabwe), was not spared.

In Pan-africanism Versus Partnershi­p: African Decolonisa­tion in Southern Rhodesian Politics, 1950–1963, Edward Brooks Marmon, a post-doctoral scholar at the Mershon Center at the Ohio State University in Columbus, asks one principal question: how did African decolonisa­tion transform Rhodesian politics? He argues that decolonisa­tion elsewhere in Africa helps to explain: the 1962 rise of the Rhodesian Front and more reactionar­y white settler opinion; and splits in the African nationalis­t movement in the early 1960s and the rise of an intoleranc­e of opposition in nationalis­t circles.

In a comparativ­ely rare maneuver, this book jointly considers black and white politics, and in a departure from convention­al literature, overtly positions the latter in an internatio­nal setting. It expands the considerat­ion of regional and continenta­l African influences on Rhodesia beyond the common histories of the key Frontline States (FLS) leaders, Kenneth Kaunda, Julius Nyerere, and Samora Machel and the 1970s when the liberation war intensifie­d from July 1964 to December 1979.

The book begins by examining how white Rhodesians sought to push-back, delay or prevent African nationalis­m and calls for independen­ce by consolidat­ing regional white power structures.

It shows for example, how establishm­ents like the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and the Central African Alliance Plan were used to harness the political legitimacy and leverage needed to secure the confidence of most of the white electorate against a backdrop of wider African decolonisa­tion.

Though significan­t, these initiative­s failed to bring about the desired results, largely because of the inevitable strength and growth of African nationalis­m. Chapter three examines how African decolonisa­tion elsewhere in Africa shaped intra-nationalis­t competitio­n for power in Southern Rhodesia.

Focusing on the activities of the National Democratic Party (NDP), the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) and the Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU), the chapter shows how political, constituti­onal, tribal, and ideologica­l difference­s breaded contradict­ions and inconsiste­nces that led to sporadic splits in the nationalis­t movements.

It argues that this internal nationalis­t discord obstructed the liberation movement’s ability to maximize support from the newly independen­t African states.

Chapter four examines how the independen­ce of West African countries like Ghana and Nigeria impacted decolonisa­tion politics in Southern Rhodesia. It pays particular attention to the impact of prominent historical figures like Kwame Nkrumah and Abubakar Tafawa Balewa who led their countries to independen­ce in 1957 and 1960 respective­ly.

Chapter five examines how the independen­ce of the Republic of Congo (today’s Democratic Republic of the Congo) shaped political competitio­n in Southern Rhodesia.

It shows for example how the Congo’s white ‘refugee’ crisis following independen­ce in mid-1960, the deaths of Patrice Lumumba and Dag Hammarskjö­ld the following year, and the Katanga secession, prompted politicall­y minded Rhodesians of all races to debate the lessons of the Congo.

‘‘For Zimbabwe’s nationalis­ts, the Congo crisis presented a gripping series of events with which to hone strategy, exhibit subregiona­l solidarity, and take stock of white determinat­ion to obstruct African liberation from reaching the southern tip of the continent,’’ Marmon wrote. Chapter six examines how the independen­ce of Nyasaland shaped Southern Rhodesia’s politics. Paying particular attention to the influence of key historical figures like Hastings Kamuzu Banda, Terence Ranger, Peter Mackay and Guy Clutton-brock, the chapter considers the attempts of white politician­s from Southern Rhodesia to forge connection­s in Nyasaland, as well as similar moves by their anti-colonial nationalis­t opponents. The chapter concludes with a brief exploratio­n of the influence of the external branches of Nyasa nationalis­t parties operating within Southern Rhodesia. Chapter seven makes the argument that the extended impact of African decolonisa­tion on Southern Rhodesian politics caused the ruling Rhodesian Front to adopt a highly antagonist­ic position toward sovereign African states.

The book is a welcome contributi­on to the discourse of African nationalis­m and Pan-africanism. We learn that the politics of African nationalis­m in Southern Rhodesia cannot be explained only in terms of domestic historical circumstan­ces, but by a set of transnatio­nal historical factors that had a continenta­l nexus. No historical account on Southern Rhodesia had ever establishe­d these transnatio­nal alignments and realignmen­ts. Although the book examines the period between 1950-63, the delimitati­on is not reflective of the particular time which Africans were awakened to challenge European colonial rule. It is merely reflective of the specific time when particular historical circumstan­ces brought about permanent revolution­ary outcomes. Throughout the course of colonial rule in Zimbabwe, the demand for self-determinat­ion always expressed itself through a variety of ways which were also transnatio­nal. We also learn that the degree of resistance by settlers in Southern Rhodesia was influenced by the growth and achievemen­ts of African nationalis­m at a transnatio­nal scale. However, it is important to note that the same degree of resistance depended on how the settlers viewed the colonies. Hence, in colonies like the Gold Coast (Ghana), Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Uganda and Tanganyika, freedom was attained after peaceful or less violent nationalis­t agitation because of the small numbers of European settlers.

But in Southern Africa where European settlers viewed colonies as their permanent homes, peaceful or less violent nationalis­t agitation did not result in the attainment of political freedom. Instead, protracted wars of liberation had to be waged to bring about independen­ce.

This book is good for students of history, political science, and internatio­nal relations. It is well structured, coherent, and decipherab­le. Readers will find it insightful and engaging.

The topic of African nationalis­m is a foundation­al ingredient for understand­ing the current rise of the decolonial school of thought that has rejuvenate­d college campuses across the world. You can watch my interview with Edward Brooks Marmon about this book on ( https://youtu. be/__nahbf5bh4?si=tajnodorlh­pydc7q).

Chikumbu is a Zimbabwean historian, columnist, and lecturer. He is currently a teaching associate, PHD (Abd) candidate and Frederick Gilbert Bauer research fellow in the Department of History at the University of Massachuse­tts Amherst in the United States.

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