Reader's Digest

Word Power



1. kukri (b) short sword

The curve-bladed kukri, pride of Gurkha soldiers, is the national weapon of Nepal.

2. whet (a) hone

High-grit sharpening stones are great for whetting carving knives.

3. echidna (c) hedgehog-like mammal

The Australian shortbeake­d echidna is also known as the spiny anteater.

4. carnassial (a) carnivore’s tooth

When a cat bites, its carnassial­s can puncture the skin.

5. awl (a) piercing tool

The apprentice leatherwor­ker poked holes in the belt with a curved awl.

6. acuity (b) keen perception

Not to brag, but my son’s test results show he has high mental acuity!

7. toxophilit­e (a) expert archer

Nadia meets her fellow toxophilit­es on weekends for target practice.

8. pique (b) provoke

We would have gotten through airport security much faster had our bags not piqued the interest of the TSA agents.

9. piton (b) mountain climber’s peg

Mountainee­rs hammer pitons into rock to help stabilize their cables.

10. riposte (b) clever retort

Dorothy shot down the insult with a riposte that had everyone laughing.

11. trenchant (a) penetratin­g

My lawyer’s trenchant argument swayed the jury.

12. durian (c) a prickly fruit

Durian has a strong odor and an odd flavor, like a mix of caramel and onion.

13. quarrel (c) crossbow bolt

William used quarrels of lightweigh­t design in crossbow tournament­s.

14. aculeate (c) having a stinger

Aculeate velvet ants are called cow killers for their powerful sting.

15. cholla (c) cactus species

Cactus wrens like to build their nests in clusters of cholla shrubs.

Vocabulary Ratings

9 & below: Keen 10-12: Incisive

13-15: Sharp as a tack

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