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Campaign managers seek undecided voters ahead of primaries



With the elections in the final stage ah ea do fA ugust’ sprimari es( PASO),bothP re si dentMacria­ndh is challenger Alberto Fernández arelo okingtocap­ture un de cid edvotersfo­r their respective camps.

According to a report by Balanz Capital that anal ysed20poll­sters ,8.5 percent of voters remain undecided. While these voters will be key to deciding who ends up victorious in October, the amount of undecided voters is smaller than it has been in previous elections at this stage according to pollster Synopsis, which links this to

increased polarisati­on.


A poll published by Ideia Big Data found that Macri would win in a run-off with 46 percent of the vote with Fernández capturing 41 percent. If the elections were held today Macri would take 41 percent, Fernández 37, Lavagna 8 and 6 percent would remain undecided. A sign of polarisati­on, 52 percent of Argentines said they would never vote for Fernández-Fernández and 41 percent said the same about Macri-Pichetto.

A poll released by Elypsis confirmed that Macri would win in a run-off but found a statistica­l tie in the first round of voting. Another sign of polarisati­on, 75.9 percent of the vote was split between the two candidates.


On his Twitter account Monday, Roberto Lavagna released a letter he wrote with his vicepresid­ential candidate Juan Manuel Urtubey, in which they criticised the country’s polarisati­on and denounced those who try to silence them. It pointed a finger at Fernández-Fernández and Macri-Pichetto of deliberat el ystokingp ola risati onfort he ir ownpoli tic ala dvan ta ge .“O nA ugust11,theciti zenrywilln­ot ch o o set hepr esi dent,”th el et te rdec la red .“Yo u can demonstrat­e which ticket you would prefer to win in the real election in October. The electora techo oseswhoitt­hinks it best, not who would be the least bad.”

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