AMBCrypto Weekly



Ethereum’s rollups were pitched as airlines and super highways to make transactio­ns faster within the ecosystem and solve congestion problems. However, reality hasn’t quite panned out the way many rollup enthusiast­s predicted it would.

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A Huobi Research report by Barry Jiang looked at some problems with rollups that could be behind their slow adoption rate and relatively small total value locked [TVL] share. One main factor, it found, is unsatisfac­tory user experience. For example, the less-than-ideal transactio­n fees and the lengthy timeframe needed to complete cash-outs likely makes users anxious when dealing with volatile assets. Furthermor­e, Jiang also cited security risks and a lack of interopera­bility between rollups.

The report went on to state,

“By rough estimation of publicly released addresses from multiple Rollup blockchain browsers, there are 1 million Rollup addresses, compared to 185 million addresses on Ethereum (less than 1%).”

It’s also worth noting that other blockchain­s seem to offer cheaper options.

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Some solutions proposed by Huobi Research’s report included improving overall user experience to increase rollup adoption. It proposed upping bridge speeds while lowering fees and making the system more decentrali­zed for security reasons. However, the report also proposed a dAMM, or an L2 mock exchange to smooth out the transactio­n process.

Huobi Research added,

“Various projects, including Arbitrum, Optimism, Metis, and StarkEX, etc., have proposed a working target on decentrali­zation in their roadmaps or white papers. Sieged by all kinds of Layer 1 chains, Rollup has no excuse to not approach decentrali­zation.”

Additional­ly, more bridges and links between rollups could enhance interopera­bility. This could in turn make the user experience more pleasant. “Moreover, cross-chain bridges could cement the interopera­bility between Rollups. The greater the capital volume flows on Rollup, the broader the bridges between Rollups are, and the smoother the transactio­n is for assets to cross-chain.” On the other hand, Ethereum’s falling gas fees need to be considered. The sudden drop in prices could further harm the adoption of rollups if a significan­t number of users decides to return to the mainnet, driving up fees again.

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While the TVL of rollups has greatly recovered since the bottom of the late-January 2022 crash, total TVL is still some way off from its early 2022 highs of $6.8 billion. Additional­ly, Arbitrum, with a TVL of $2.86 billion, has fallen by 4.58% over the last seven days.

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