APC Australia

Set up your TalkiePi


1 CREATE A MUMBLE USER Open the Terminal on your Raspberry Pi or connect via SSH and switch to the root user with the command sudo -i . Next, create the user by running:

adduser --disabled-password --disabled-login --gecos "" mumble and give it the necessary permission­s with the command:

usermod -a -G cdrom, audio, video, plugdev, users, dialout,dip, input,gpio mumble

2 INSTALL DEPENDENCI­ES Switch to your new ‘mumble’ user with su mumble . Next, create the installati­on directorie­s with mkdir ~/gocode and mkdir ~/bin . You’ll need to create softlinks for these two directorie­s with the command:

export GOPATH=/home/mumble/gocode followed by a second export command:

export GOBIN=/home/mumble/bin Finally, move to the install directory with cd $GOPATH .

3 DOWNLOAD AND BUILD SOFTWARE Run go get github.com/layeh/gopus and go get github.com/dchote/talkiepi to download all the software. Next, cd into the TalkiePi directory with cd $GOPATH/src/ github.com/dchote/talkiepi . Now build TalkiePi: go build -o /home/mumble/bin/talkiepi cmd/ talkiepi/main.go . Run sudo -i and make TalkiePi boot up every time the Pi restarts: cp/home/mumble/gocode/src/ github.com/dchote/talkiepi/conf/systemd/mumble. service /etc/systemd/system/mumble.service

4 CONNECT YOUR USB SPEAKERPHO­NE Connect the USB speakerpho­ne to an available port on the Pi. At this point, you’ll need to refer to the instructio­ns on the TalkiePi website available at bit.ly/Wi-FiWalkieTa­lkie and take it stage by stage. If you print the project’s case, it’s specifical­ly designed to fit the PI 3 and the US Robotics speakerpho­ne. You attach the right/left angle USB cable to the bottom right USB port of your Pi and will need to mount the Pi and then mount the speaker to the front panel.

5 OPTIONAL LEDS AND CASING Again, this optional stage requires following the steps on the project website ( bit.ly/Wi-FiWalkieTa­lkie). You need to do such things as solder your positive and negative LED wires to the GPIO pins, add heat shrink to stop shorting, put together the button GPIO connector and position and fasten the LEDs. You can also place the Pi inside an enclosure with a power cable or battery pack.

6 CONFIGURE MUMBLE SERVER SETTINGS We recommend certifying your Mumble server so that you don’t need to use passwords to connect, which we explain how to do in the box (Certified Mumbler, back two pages). We’d also advise referring to the box (Managing Mumble, opposite) for more informatio­n on how to use your own Mumble Server and channel. You can, however, use the TalkiePi Mumble server straight away, if you wish.

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