APC Australia

Create a smart album in Apple Photos

Become an organisati­onal whizz-kid in Photos with help from Smart Albums and Dave Stevenson.


Photos’ built-in organisati­onal chops are not to be sniffed at. Face recognitio­n, geotagging and sifting of images into Selfies, Panorama and Live Photos make finding what you want incredibly easy. To organise things further, you’ll often find yourself creating Albums. This is fine for single events — last year’s holiday, say, or a wedding lend themselves well to individual albums. You’ll find, though, that creating an individual album for a favourite couple of people is pretty onerous — let’s say you want pictures of your mum and dad. You’d have to search for one person, then sift through for the pics you actually want.

Smart Albums are the answer — you can filter your entire photo library using a very wide selection of filters that will instantly find the photos you want — and keep the new album automatica­lly updated as you add new shots. Here’s how to use it.

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