APC Australia


A guide to the state of San Andreas



Rockstar’s version of San Francisco. Landmarks include San Fierro Bay, the Gant Bridge, and the Big Pointy Building. There are a lot of hills in the city and the weather is often rainy.


Cross the Gant Bridge from San Fierro and you’ll end up in Bayside, a small town modelled after Marin County. Alas, other than the Bayside Marina, there isn’t much of note to find here. 3 BONE COUNTY The largest continuous landmass in San Andreas. Here you’ll find the Sherman Dam, a few small desert towns, and Area 69, a heavily guarded military base where you can steal a jetpack. 4 LAS VENTURAS Rockstar’s take on Las Vegas. Like its real-world counterpar­t it’s a city of sin, with a number of large casinos including the Four Dragons, Caligula’s Palace, and the, er, Clown’s Pocket. 5 RED COUNTY A rugged rural area featuring rivers, valleys, farms, and forests. Locations include Hilltop Farm, from which you can see both Los Santos and Las Venturas if the weather is clear enough.


In this rustic, tree-lined rural region you’ll find the small town of Angel Pine and the colossal Mount Chiliad towering over it, which planes seem to crash into at an alarming rate. 7 FLINT COUNTY A forested region lying west of Los Santos and the least populated part of the state. There are no towns, making it the perfect place to hide away from the searching eyes of the law.


Rockstar’s first parody of Los Angeles. Although not quite as detailed as its GTA V cousin, it still features many of the same landmarks, including the famous Vinewood sign and Grove Street.

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