AQ: Australian Quarterly

Economic diversity in the energy sector: Post-capitalism in the here and now?


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13 Hicks, J. (2017). Community Power: Understand­ing the outcomes and impacts from community-owned wind energy projects in small regional communitie­s. PHD Thesis submitted December 2017. University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.

14 Hicks, J., Ison, N. (2018) An exploratio­n of the boundaries of ‘community’ in community renewable energy projects: Navigating between motivation­s and context. Energy Policy 113 (2018): 523-534.

15 Campaign Motion: 3GW Publicly Owned Solar, Wind and Storage in Northern Queensland. Available: renewables_powering_queensland_s_future_motion

16 Public Renewable Energy in Northern Queensland.

Available: 17 Queensland Labour (2017) Powering Queensland’s Future: Affordable, Stable and Balanced. 2017 Policy Document. Available:https://www.queensland­­ng-queensland­s-future-policy-document-final.pdf

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