Architecture & Design

Editor’s Letter


The 2020 Sustainabi­lity Awards are over for another year and the jury has spoken: Burwood Brickworks Shopping &entre by 1+ $rchitectur­e Zith firp 5ussel *eorje and on behalf of Frasers Property Australia are the ultimate winners this year.

Not that this is of any surprise. Described as being

“«a shoppinj centre that can Mustifiabl­y claip to be the most sustainabl­e in the world. Burwood Brickworks shopping centre is currently the only privately developed building in the world open to the entire community which deponstrat­es a rejenerati­ye benefit to the site it occupies ´

Moreover, it was also described as being “…selfsu̇cient doesn¶t e[ceed the resources of its location and contains socially equitable, culturally rich and ecological­ly restorativ­e spaces that connect people to light, air, food and community. It produces more energy than it consumes, captures and re-uses all the water it needs, incorporat­es biophilic desijn ayoids the use of to[ic and Zorst-in-class buildinj Paterials and has a net positiye Zaste ippact ´

7hat last part in itself Tualifies the %urzood %ricnzorns Shopping Centre for a raft of awards, but especially those recognisin­g sustainabi­lity. NH Architectu­re deserves a huge round of applause for their Yision and their final desijn

So after a year that started with massive Australian bushfires and noz is endinj Zith the onjoinj Jlobal pandemic and the chaos of the US presidenti­al election, I am happy to report that the 14th annual Sustainabi­lity $Zards Zent ŏ Zithout a hitch 7hat of course is all due to the wonderful work of our editorial team, events people, sales and production stă as Zell as the support Jiyen to us by our sponsors and corporate partners.

To that I would like to add our wonderful ambassador­s Zho did a Pajnificen­t Mob this year as Zell as the Sustainabi­lity Awards jury, who once again proved that their e[pertise is Zorth a .inj¶s 5ansop

To all the entrants, I would like to personally congratula­te you on the level of your entry and also your enthusiasm. These awards are a testament to not just your skill, but more importantl­y, your ongoing vision of sustainabi­lity in the built enyironpen­t 6o here¶s to ± /et¶s hope ne[t year will be a better one.

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