Australian Adventure Bike


Who doesn’t love getting maximum value from every dollar? And when it comes to riding and prepping bikes with cheap and handy tips, there are stacks of ways to do it.


01: SPARE TUBES If you don’t carry at least one spare inner tube with you on each ride, you’re tempting fate. If you get a flat on a tubed tyre and you don’t have a spare tube and the tools to fix a flat, you’ll be stuck. To keep a spare tube as compact as possible, remove the valve core and roll the tube up tight, then refit the valve. Then grab some electrical tape and wrap it around the tube roll to keep it nice and compact.

02: WD-40 SPRAY Did you know that WD-40 spray was first used by the Rocket Chemical Company to protect the outer skin of the Atlas Missile from rust and corrosion? Well, now you do. WD-40 is used for a similar purpose today — but not only on rockets and missiles! We love the stuff as it can be used to lubricate moving parts on so many things, including motorcycle­s. And it also protects those parts from the aforementi­oned rust and corrosion. When we’re away on a multi-day adventure, we’ll always stash a handy mini can of WD40 in our tool bag. Don’t leave home without it!

03: FILTER SKINS We love filter skins because we hate cleaning air filters. Well, we don’t really hate it, but cleaning air filters is a messy job, so anything that helps reduce how frequently you have to clean your filter element is a winner with us. Filter skins simply stretch over the air filter element and provide an added layer of filtration. Plus, you can easily carry a couple of spare filter skins with you in a zip-lock bag and change them out mid-way through a multiday ride.

04: SILICONE SPRAY There was a time when we used to always battle with zippers on riding gear that was showing its age. You know: when zips get dry and dirty, they can be an absolute pest to operate. And then someone told us to hit the zips with silicone spray — and voila! The stuff would both help clean the zip and lubricate it without leaving a greasy mess on it. And before you knew it, the zip was almost as good as new again. We also use silicone spray on the zippers on gear bags. But just make sure you don’t get any over-spray on the seat of your bike — you’ll be sliding back and forth for days!

05: RUBBER BANDS Rubber bands are another handy item to have with you on every ride. But you want rubber bands that are strong and able to withstand some abuse. So next time you get a flat tyre and end up with a buggered inner tube, don’t chuck the tube away. Instead, cut the tube into rubber bands and add them to your tool stash.

06: ZIP-TIES Another must-have to ensure we have stashed in our tool roll on any ride are zip-ties. They are so handy for all sorts of running repairs mid-ride. They come in a huge range of sizes, and our current favourites are the real long and real wide buggers that are so strong they’re almost unbustable. Almost. If you’ve got a bar pad on your handlebars you can stash some zip-ties inside the cover, where they’ll be quick and easy to get at on the side of the trail.

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