Australian Guitar



THEY ARE a four-piece of loose and loveable indie-rockers from Perth, gearing up to make 2020 their bitch with one of the year’s biggest and most unforgetta­ble debut albums.

THEY SOUND LIKE a coursing rush of serotonin right to the cerebral cortex. They’re not trying to be anything over-the-top of deliver some meticulous jewel of grandeur – they deal in fun, playful jams that tick all the right boxes for a summer arvo playlist; their playing is incredibly tight, but you’re not going to give yourself a migraine thinking too hard about it.

YOU’LL DIG THEM IF YOU LIKE Lime Cordiale, The Strokes and Arctic Monkeys, and wishing you could go back in time to cut loose at the original Woodstock. Great Gable are all about the good vibes, and they’ve got plenty to share – pop them on en route to the beach or after a long day on the grind when you’re in need of a serious chillout sesh.

YOU SHOULD CHECK OUT the new single “All My Friends” – unless you’re a Triple J regular, in which case you’ve probably already heard it a couple hundred times. There’s a good reason it’s being hammered on the airwaves, though: the interplay between those prickly rhythm lines and the fuzzed-out lead, those soul-warming vocals and the understate­d percussion – it’s a simple tune on the surface, but there’s so much going on that makes it great.

 ?? Photo: Liam Fawell ??
Photo: Liam Fawell

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