Australian House & Garden

Botanica Sydney florist Myra Perez creates a bouquet fit for a star.


Arranging flowers is akin to assembling a cast of characters, says Sydney florist Myra Perez, owner of My Violet. “My rule of thumb is simple,” she says. “You always need to have a hero bloom, then you choose some interestin­g supporting blooms – the support actors – and then add the fillers, aka the extras.”

In this display by Myra, created specially for H&G, the hero’s part is played by pale apricot David Austin ‘Evelyn’ roses, with peachy bougainvil­lea in the supporting role. The extras are intriguing in their own right: there’s a bunch of wild corn standing upright at the back, plus green hydrangea flowerhead­s creating pops of colour. Begonia leaves and rusty-red ‘Nina’ roses are the quiet players in the background. “You may not see the rust-coloured garden roses at first, but that’s the point,” says Myra. “When you look deeper, you find little surprises.” The idea, she says, is to add diverse textures so that each flower stands out and adds to the story.

The warm colour palette of the display was inspired by the notion of sunset. “I thought about all the incredible colours I see when I look at the sky at dusk,” says Myra. She set the flowers against the inky wall of her studio, which represents the perfect night sky.

A squat, cylindrica­l copper vase anchors this lush bouquet. “When it comes to choosing a vessel, anything from your cupboard is fine,” says Myra. “Just keep in mind that the arrangemen­t should be double the height of the vase to be in scale.”

My Violet; or @mivioleta.

 ??  ?? Leading florists will create celebrator­y bouquets for this page every month in 2018 to mark H&G’s 70th anniversar­y year. Don’t miss their floral tributes.
Leading florists will create celebrator­y bouquets for this page every month in 2018 to mark H&G’s 70th anniversar­y year. Don’t miss their floral tributes.

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