Australian Mountain Bike

Navigating the first wobbles..


AGE: Between 2 - 3 years old

BIKE: 12” pedal bike without training wheels, such as a Specialize­d Riprock RRP ~$360

■ Learning to pedal

■ Every kid has their own timeframe to learn how to pedal and a lot depends on the strength and balance developed earlier.

■ Get them to look ahead instead of at their front wheel. Walk along and gently support their shoulders. Progressiv­ely transition to being the “crash avoider”.

■ If you can’t handle the sore back from leaning over, consider getting a “push handle” that clamps onto their seatpost so that you can help them from an upright position. Middle age anyone?

■ Getting the right rig

■ Avoid training wheels at all costs as they will be a nightmare to get rid of afterwards.

■ A cheap bike with coaster brakes (back pedal) will do, but try and make it alloy if possible.

■ Build their confidence over time and alternate between the balance bike and the pedal bike until they’re comfortabl­e.

■ Find the right place to ride

■ Let them cycle wherever they want and take them around the neighbourh­ood to play on random tracks and vacant blocks. It’s way more approachab­le than a proper trail.

■ Build some basic ramps to ride around the yard where you don’t have to worry about cars.

■ Teach them road rules. “If you see or hear a car coming, stay on your left (where your bell is)”

■ A less obvious one: don’t wear thongs. Neither you nor them. They’re going to fall and you’re going to have to chase after them, so avoid the stubbed toes and busted pluggers.

■ Once you see them easily mounting, dismountin­g and starting from a standstill; they’re ready to keep progressin­g onto more difficult terrain.

■ The moment to go from a 12” to 16” pedal bike will depend mainly on your kid’s height. Some tall kids will go straight from a balance bike to 16” wheels. I wouldn’t keep them on 12” wheels for too long as it’s difficult to build up speed and the small wheels make it too bumpy on dirt.

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