Australian Mountain Bike



Why do you ride? It’s one thing as a cycling coach, mountain biker, and allround navel gazer that I ask people, and myself, with great regularity. There are a myriad of reasons why people cycle, some more complex than others, but a common theme when prompted is the enduring love of the outdoors and nature. Regardless of whether the other reasons are competitio­n, health (physical and mental), identity, mastery; if you don’t love banging around in the bush it’s unlikely you would have found mountain biking as a passion within your life. But why do we, as humans and mountain bikers, find ourselves turning to nature? floors; we have no way of controllin­g the weather and, to an extent, the very foundation of the land we exist on. In an increasing­ly secular society, we have collective­ly developed quite an insular, liberalist mindset, whereby we fail to grasp the broader scope of the world. It’s easy to focus on what’s right in front of you; the microcosm of self and those tightly knitted around you. Getting out and close to nature allows us to marvel at wise-old trees that have survived multiple generation­s, get bathed in an unplanned rain storm and nearly blown off our bikes at the top of a windy peak. Outside, in essence, reminds us how small we are and gives us a sense of contentmen­t that there is something bigger than us at play. Touching the bark of a tree, running our hands through soil (or even our body…should we find the limit in our adventures!), the sound of a whip bird and smell of the bush in the rain. These are all experience­s that we are unable to attain in the indoor environmen­t and act to ground us in immediate ‘real’ness. Some of the best rides are one that endure past the shredding, your crew sits around on the rocky dirt until it’s dark having beers in the forest, or jumps into a nearby waterhole to cool down. It’s the extension of our indoor selves into the visceral realness of the bush or forest that can be so different from the rest of our lives.


As mentioned, we spend much of our lives connected to technology. If you’re reading this it’s likely you have already found the golden ticket and have a love for the outdoors. While it’s easy to continue to live in the city, hitting targets and deadlines and crunching numbers; whatever your job may entail it’s a sense of ‘really living’ that being outside on two wheels gives us. If you want to crunch numbers on the weekend and the weekday, buy yourself a road bike and a power meter or go crunch me miles on a treadmill inside a gym; yuck! We buy into the predicabil­ity of the everyday, but nature is a force unto it’s own and is often random and unpredicta­ble. Outside scales back this importance of the minutiae of everyday and offers new perspectiv­es…a break in nature can allow the mind to wander and time for creative, independen­t thought to bloom! So why do you love to ride? What is it about being outside keeps you going back to the trails again and again?

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