Good Food

Webuy in bulk at wholesale prices

Vicky Swann has teamed up with fellow villagers in Pencaitlan­d, East Lothian, Scotland, to bulk-order ethically produced food online at wholesale prices


As I was keen to buy food in a more ethical way, a friend introduced me to Suma, a cooperativ­e that sells online. There’s a £250 minimum order, but everything is at wholesale prices. I put the word out on a Facebook group and we’ve now got 10-15 people who order regularly.

Everyone fills in what they want on a Google spreadshee­t, then I do the order. I’m not a rep, I just help to organise it. People don’t have to buy in bulk. Some buy hundreds of pounds worth of food every few months, one guy just buys co#ee beans. Everything costs less than in the supermarke­t. You can only set up a buying group if you’re not within a certain radius of a shop supplied by Suma, so you don’t damage small businesses. We’d never be able to get this range of ingredient­s locally. I buy storecupbo­ard ingredient­s from Suma, then get my milk and veg locally. You can buy huge bags and jars if you’ve got the space.

We put in an order once a month. Everyone comes round to my house when it arrives. I feel good that I’m putting my money towards an ethical company and helping others to do the same thing. I wouldn’t be able to a#ord ethically produced food of this quality in the supermarke­t, so the buying group gives me peace of mind.!

How it works ‘Suma takes the money out of my account the following week, so everyone has a chance to pay me.’

Is it right for you? ‘Make sure you know everyone in the group, because you do need an element of trust.’

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