Good Food

Cheesy bunny buns


MAKES 12 PREP 20 mins plus at least 2 hrs rising COOK 25 mins EASY V

250ml milk, plus a drizzle 350g strong white bread lour,

plus extra for dusting 5g fast-action dried yeast

1 tsp caster sugar drizzle of lavourless oil, like

rapeseed or sun lower 100g butter

75g mature cheddar, grated small bunch of chives, chopped

1 Warm the milk in a pan over a low heat – if you have a thermomete­r, it should be around 40C, or just warm to the touch. Tip the flour, yeast, sugar and 1 tsp salt into a large bowl.

2 Add the warm milk and mix using a wooden spoon to make a sticky dough. Tip the dough onto a work surface and knead for 8-10 mins until it feels soft and stretchy. Alternativ­ely, use a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook and knead the dough for 5 mins. Lightly oil the bowl and return the dough to it, then cover with a tea towel and leave somewhere warm to rise for

1-2 hrs, or in the fridge overnight, until the dough has doubled in size.

3 Tip the dough onto a lightly floured work surface and stretch into a rectangle. Use a rolling pin to roll it out to 40 x 30cm. Spread over the butter, then sprinkle over the cheese and chives. Roll into a sausage shape.

4 Line a baking tray with baking parchment. Cut the dough into 12 equal pieces, leaving them cut-side up. Unroll the end of each bun a little, then create bunny ears by zig-zagging the strip of dough. Put the buns on the baking tray, well-spaced apart, and cover with a tea towel. Leave in a warm place for 30 mins-1 hr until pu‹ed out a little.

5 Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/ gas 6. Brush the buns with a little milk, then bake for 20-25 mins until golden brown. Will keep in an airtight container for two days.

PER SERVING 217 kcals • fat 11g • saturates 6g • carbs 23g • sugars 2g • ibre 1g • protein 6g • salt 0.7g

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