Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



• Don’t be afraid to cry. It helps release emotional stress.

• Turn to talk therapy. Whether it’s the strong shoulder of a good friend, or a profession­al such as your GP or a counsellor, giving voice to pain often helps you make sense of it.

• Take time out when you need it. You can’t always be ‘on’. It’s OK to say, ‘Sorry,

I just can’t make the baby shower/birthday party/ drinks after work today’.

• Be connected and active in your community. Whether it’s the gym, a book club or a church group, be involved. Isolation feeds grief.

• Sit with your pain instead of trying to mask it. Let it be your teacher.

• Honour the memory of people or pets you have lost.

• Distance yourself from those dismissive of your feelings.

• Try to avoid negative coping mechanisms such as turning to alcohol, drugs or other reckless behaviours.

• Let yourself off the hook. You can’t change the past. Don’t let guilt drag you under.

• Eat well and engage in regular physical activity.

• Spend time outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine.

• Don’t feel bad for feeling good! Even the most devastatin­g feelings of grief lessen with time.

• Keep a ‘thankful’ journal to build resilience. Each day, note three things you were grateful for or that brought you joy.

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