Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)

CUSHION COVERS TWO WAYS Gather your supplies You’ll also need


Finished size

46 x 46cm (or as desired, see Notes, below)

50cm outdoor fabric (at least 120cm wide); matching thread; pins;

45 x 45cm cushion insert; sewing machine; scissors; 40cm zipper and zipper foot (optional)

For piped cushion variation: Vliesofix; 4mm piping cord; contrastin­g outdoor fabric (for piping)


Measure cushion insert and add 1cm for seam allowance each side.

Method 2:

Measure cushion insert and add a 1cm seam allowance on 3 sides and 2cm seam allowance on zipper side.

Here's how Method 1:

No zipper


Cut a 47 x 47cm fabric square (cushion front). Zigzag around all edges.


Referring to How to sew a neat envelope cushion back (on previous pages), cut two 47 x 35cm panels from fabric, zigzag around edges, assemble cushion, as instructed. Place insert.

Method 2:

With zipper


Cut two 47 x 48cm pieces from fabric. Zigzag stitch around all edges. With right sides facing, pin two 48cm sides together (this seam is for zipper).


To insert zipper, measure zipper, then use pins to mark beginning and end of zipper on seam. With 2cm seams, stitch cushion front to cushion back, up to pin marking beginning of zipper. Sew 3 stitches in reverse, then 3 stitches forward to secure. Change stitch length on sewing machine to 5 or longest stitch. Continue stitching to pin marking end of zipper position. Sew 3 stitches in reverse, then 3 stitches forward to secure. Return to regular stitch length and stitch to end. Press open seam.


Pin right side of zipper to wrong side of seam directly on top of longer stitching section. Change to zipper foot on machine. Then stitch down 1 side of zipper. Stitch across and up the other side of zipper, then back to beginning of zipper stitching. To reveal zipper, working from right side of fabric, unpick seam where stitching is longer.


With wrong sides facing and allowing for 1cm seams, stitch the cushion front to back around the remaining sides. Clip into corners and then use zipper opening to turn through. Place insert.

Variation: with piping

For piped scatter cushions, make as for above, referring to How to make piping for your cushion (on previous pages) to add piping to front piece of cushion fabric before inserting zipper, if using.

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Cushion covers two ways

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