Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



RST – Right sides together WOF – Width of fabric (based on a usable width of 42 inches) HST – Half square triangles

Press all fabric well before cutting Press seams in the direction indicated. If no direction is specified, press seams toward darker fabric.

Note Seam allowances are

¼ inch unless otherwise noted

Creating HST Pair two squares, RST. Draw a diagonal line on the reverse of one square. Sew ¼ inch either side of the drawn line. Trim along the drawn line. Press each unit open to make two HST units. Trim each unit square.

How to finish

Cut and piece backing fabric to measure at least

4 inches (10cm) bigger on all sides than the quilt top.

Cut the batting to the same size. This allows for the amount both the fabric and batting will shrink when quilted. Press seams to the dark side. Iron both the quilt top and backing.

With right sides of fabric facing out, sandwich batting between the quilt top and backing. Smooth all creases and tucks. Carefully pin or baste the layers together, working from the centre out. Quilt using desired method. Trim quilt. Bind as instructed.


Quilt as desirebdlo­ck–1b domestbilo­cck 2A Blocbklo1c­bk 1B Blocbklo2c­ak 2A machine quilting, hand quilting or long-arm quilting.

 ??  ?? Creating half square triangles (HST)
Creating half square triangles (HST)

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