Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)


Easy ways to make your lips look and feel lush and lovely today!


your lips are unique, they’re part of the beautiful package you were born with. Yes, you can have them filled if you want a bigger pout, but quite often your originals will suit you best of all. When it comes to lipstick, if your lips are your best feature, play them up with bold colours; if not, keep them soft and pretty. Either way, they deserve to be pampered and treated with TLC.


If your lips are looking less than lush work a little magic with lip pencil. The outer rim naturally fades over time so if yours has, you’re not alone. Cosmetic tattooing is one solution, but lip liner is much simpler. Use a matching shade to your lipstick or if you’re wearing gloss, go for a nude shade. If one or both of your lips is very small, cheat – apply the pencil just outside your natural line.

TRY Colour Elixir Universal Lip Liner, $20.95, Max Factor; Color Sensationa­l Shaping Lip Liner, $13.95, Maybelline New York.


Keeping up the hydration will help to make your pout luscious. Lips don’t have sweat or oil glands so they can easily become dry and parched, especially in low humidity, cold, wind or sunny conditions. You get the idea – all year round. If your lips are constantly dry, check you’re not a habitual licker. If you are, try to remember your saliva has a drying effect, so it’s not moisturisi­ng.

TRY Lip Care Balm, $32, Jurlique; Pearl Soft & Silky Lip Balm, $5.95, Blistex; Nightly Lip Treatment, $75, Dermalogic­a.


Lipstick colours work best when they’re in harmony with your skin tone – pink for cool, peach for warm. But regardless of whether your lipstick choice is bold or soft, you’ll know it’s right when it makes your complexion sing. If in doubt, go for a rosy pink – it always looks pretty.

TRY Stay Satin Liquid Lip Colour in It Girl, $14.95, Rimmel; Colour Intensifyi­ng Lip Balm in Refined Rose, $17.95, Max Factor; Intense Colour Lip Crayon in Earthy Nude, $9.95, Natio.


Kissing is good for your lips. Yeah! Why? Because lips are muscular in nature and putting them through a daily exercise routine, not necessaril­y kissing, will help to keep them more youthful looking. There are lots of ideas and how-to videos on the internet, so if you’re feeling inclined, check them out.


The skin on your lips is the most sensitive area of your face so it needs protection. When you’re outside, use a lip balm or lipstick with sunscreen. If you’re prone to cold sores be aware that too much sun exposure can be a trigger for the virus, which sits dormant under the skin. If your immune system is low or you’re feeling exhausted, limit exposure.

TRY Moisture Plus Sheer Pink Ultra Hydrating Lip Balm SPF15, $5.99, Carmex; Hydro Care Lip Balm, $3.98, SPF15, Nivea.


Keeping up internal hydration is essential for your whole body, including your lips, to remain healthy. If you’re perspiring or in a hot climate, you need to drink more water. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty because by then you’re already dehydrated.

Let the smile change the world, but don’t let the world change your smile UNKNOWN

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