Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)

Cats and car rides!

Help your furry friend be a purr-fect travelling companion


Does your cat dislike travelling in the car enough to nearly shred the seats, or herself in the carrier, trying to get out? Often, it isn’t your driving causing such a fuss! Cats are creatures of habit; they don’t like change or leaving their territory, especially for somewhere new where there may be unexpected loud noises, unfamiliar smells or her claws getting clipped at the vets! Plus, if you haven’t introduced the carrier to your ninja until the car ride, may the force be with you! to wait in the car until anxiety than the car she gets treats. Start itself, consider securing the engine to introduce her with a cat harness the rumbling. Now, try to allow some freedom. putting her in her carrier and placing it in the car.

Introduce your cat to the carrier the day you bring her home. Place blankets, toys or treats inside to entice her to spend time in this ‘safe place’ and even to sleep!

Under supervisio­n, allow kitty to explore the car and feed her yummy treats for positive behaviour! Gradually increase the amount of time she has

During the journey, your cat may either like the carrier to be covered with a blanket/towel or to be able to look outside. Try both and see which she ‘purrfers’.

If you think the carrier is causing your furry friend greater

Spraying a synthetic pheromone, such as Feliway, can be useful, especially if your cat starts panting in the car. Vetalogica Vitarapid Tranquil treats can also be calming.

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