Business Traveller (Asia-Pacific)



Have you had a flight cancelled because your airport has been closed due to a bomb threat? Have you had to postpone a trip due to a terror attack or other security incident? Have you been in town when something has happened that has meant you’ve needed to cancel meetings and return home? It would be interestin­g to hear about your experience­s and how you dealt with them. Also any advice you’d share with fellow business travellers.

Canucklad February 1 15:27

I’d say that most of us have been inconvenie­nced by bomb threats, indeed my place of work had to change its mail handling procedure due to repeated anthrax hoaxes. As a result my company expanded its existing processes to now include a major incident protocol starting with a helpline advice number if any of our offices is involved in a terrorist or other incident. Increasing­ly though, travel plans are messed up by flooding, stormy weather and, of course, the damn ash cloud!

Alsacienne February 1 18:03

I try to stay informed, but not get panicked by the media (especially when the same footage is shown over and over again) and to assess the risks as regards my personal travel plans. Since the New Year’s Eve fire in Dubai, I have taken good advice from BT readers and checked exit routes from my hotel bedroom, prepared shoes, coat and documents to be close at hand, and also a small LED torch – forewarned is forearmed. You can never allow for every possible eventualit­y, but be risk-aware without being paranoid. If someone wants to change the world by making you afraid to travel, afraid to work outside your own four walls or to stop you from discoverin­g the wonders of this unique planet, don’t give in to them – use your intelligen­ce, your flexibilit­y in changing plans, and keep living life to the full.

MrMichael February 1 18:39

In 1984 I was working in Basra, during the Iran/Iraq war. The hotel I was staying at was shelled, it pretty much wiped out the ground floor and basement. The whole hotel shook like crazy. It shocked me to the core... eight staff and two guests were killed. But within an hour the hotel cleaners were doing the rooms, an hour later breakfast was being served, and an hour after that, I decided to stay. Although my experience was not terrorism – it was war – somehow it seemed more honest. Iran was not trying to kill me, I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn’t take it personally, I just thought as I still do, risk is everywhere... even getting the bus has risk.

MartynSinc­lair February 3 04:07

The main security-related disruption I have encountere­d were the riots and demonstrat­ions in Thailand a few years back. I took advice from the embassy, clients and hotel staff. There was no real concern. The funniest incident was when I needed to leave the Westin to get to the airport. Sukhumvit Road was totally blocked, but the hotel managed to negotiate a path through with the rioters’ full support! On a more serious note, I don’t think I would go to any region where there is conflict, even if my client/firm doubled my fee…

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