Business Traveller (Asia-Pacific)



POST MartynSinc­lair DATE March 8 10:17

I know there are some countries where over-the-counter medication is banned. Has anyone had any trouble entering a country with medication perfectly acceptable in one country but not acceptable in another?

Charles-P March 8 10:23

I had this problem only recently. I suffer from arthritis and take medication daily for it. When I came through Heathrow Terminal 5 recently I was stopped and asked to explain what the medication was, why I was taking it and where my prescripti­on was. All of this was done with the usual charmless aggression that Terminal 5 security seems to specialise in. I happened to have a spare prescripti­on in my laptop bag, which was in Dutch. The guard stared at it for a while (clearly having no idea what he was looking at) and then dismissed me with a wave of the hand. Compare this with being stopped in Tel Aviv last year where I was questioned with politeness and discretion and sympathise­d with when I explained why I had the pills: “Sorry to hear that sir, my father has that as well.”

Drsimon March 8 10:46

As a GP working in Australia I am constantly asked for letters stating medication and reasons for such – and believe this is suggested as essential by the Australian government. What I do know is that Dubai, and no doubt many other countries, are very specific about what is allowed in, and I would recommend checking websites for full lists. Basically for anything “addictive”, such as codeine products, it is well and truly advised to have a letter with you! While co-codamol might be “over the counter” in the UK, it is banned in Dubai without authority.

Poshgirl58 March 8 12:03

Reminds me of an experience many years ago with a Nigerian business contact. He had been detained at Schiphol and subjected to a search of all orifices as he was carrying paracetamo­l in a clear plastic bag with barely readable markings. He was even less amused when I advised that only vets gave out tablets in such packaging.

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