Business Traveller (Asia-Pacific)



My flight TG433 from Bangkok to Jakarta left on time at 8am.

After reaching our cruising altitude I noticed that the aircraft seemed to be accelerati­ng one minute and decelerati­ng the next, with changes in engine noise and slow turns left and right… something did not seem right.

About 45 minutes into the flight, the chief purser announced that due to technical problems with the aircraft, the flight would be returning to Suvarnabhu­mi Airport. Shortly after, the captain came on the PA system to confirm engine trouble was the reason for the return.

Upon landing, we were bussed to the arrival gate. Business class passengers were directed to the Royal Silk lounge while economy class passengers were asked to remain at the gate. I thought they were bound to lose some passengers, which would cause consequent­ial delays.

To my pleasant surprise we were back on a replacemen­t aircraft, with the same crew, and in the air again less than an hour after landing. We lost three passengers during the process and their baggage was offloaded.

I have nothing but praise for Thai Airways, and the speed and efficiency with which they handled this turnaround. We landed in Jakarta at 1415, just over two hours late.

The flight crew were profession­al at all times and apologised profusely, laughing at my request that the extra three or four hundred miles we flew be added to my mileage for the flight! James Moloney, Hong Kong

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