Computer Music


- Andy Jones Editor

I’m feeling slightly insecure. I’ve just read our Sleaford Mods interview on p56 and I’m starting to think I’m the guy they talk about in it: the one who’s more bothered about his snare EQ curve than actually releasing any music. (Except I’m not particular­ly bothered about my snare EQ curve either, if truth be told.) Their story is incredible, their methods unique and it’s one of the most refreshing interviews I’ve read, not just in this magazine, but in any. There is a lesson in there for all of us; I’m just not sure I’m ready to learn it yet… Which would have been enough for me to talk about this month without Apple doing their usual ‘unexpected announceme­nt’ thing and landing the biggest bloody update to Logic in however many years. And as I’ve been throwing myself into that for the feature on p16, I can conclude that – annoying crashes with the odd 3rd party plugin aside – I’m finding v10.5 rather slick and capable, almost like it was worthy of the ‘v11’ name. But you can read our proper review of this most live of Logics on p68. And before you ask where Scot and Dave are with their expert columns, we are taking a breather with those for a couple of issues, mostly as Scot attempted to retire and it’s taken some time to persuade him otherwise! If you’ve got any other gripes, be sure to mail me on I’m all out of loo roll as a prize for the best, but the shed’s full of pasta.

“Am I the guy Sleafords are talking about?”

 ??  ??

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