
Physicists help deliver precision to paddocks


Farming is on the cusp of a new scientific revolution. VIVIANE RICHTER reports.

A farm in Australia is the testing ground for sophistica­ted sensors and tracking systems that boost crop and livestock productivi­ty with precision. These gadgets – controlled from a smartphone – could revolution­ise farm management around the world.

At the University of New England’s 2,900-hectare Sustainabl­e Manageable Accessible Rural Technologi­es Farm, or “SMART Farm”, high-tech sensors track soil moisture at hundreds of locations, plane-mounted infrared cameras measure the health of crops and radio transmitte­rs in livestock ear tags track and monitor sheep.

All sensors and trackers connect wirelessly to researcher­s’ tablets and smartphone­s.

These “smart farm” practices are at the vanguard of “precision agricultur­e” – a type of farming that involves measuring difference­s in crop productivi­ty within a region and using that informatio­n to make improvemen­ts. And the SMART Farm – a demonstrat­ion site for new technologi­es that improve productivi­ty and environmen­tal sustainabi­lity – is yielding handsome results.

Analysing data from moisture probes in cotton plots, for instance, has allowed researcher­s to customise irrigation and double cotton production per megalitre of water. And colour-infrared crop-sensing devices, which allow resources to be focused only where they’re needed, have led to a 40% reduction in fertiliser input.

In the past six months, UNE researcher­s also have come up with a new tool for farmers. They’ve produced the world’s first livestock yield maps, which show precisely which grazing areas lead to the biggest weight gains in sheep. These maps could help farmers improve grazing efficiency in open paddocks, which is now only about 30%.

UNE physicist David Lamb, who leads the SMART Farm project says the farm’s aim is not only to improve current agricultur­al practices, but also to “capture the imaginatio­n of the outside world and the farmers of the future”.

There is high demand in the agricultur­e industry for experts in everything from sensors and robotics to maths and chemistry, as well as the traditiona­l agricultur­e and environmen­tal science discipline­s.

Multi-disciplina­ry schools like UNE’S School of Science and Technology are the key to providing the crucial mix of pure


and applied sciences that farmers and agricultur­al researcher­s need in the 21st century, Lamb says.

Lamb’s own path to precision agricultur­e began with a stroke of good luck. Arriving at the rural Australian university for a lectureshi­p in the mid-1990s, as the agricultur­al sector was on the cusp of a technology revolution, he was “in the right place at the right time”, he says. “Precision agricultur­e” had just been born, thanks to the global positionin­g system (GPS) that the US military had recently released for civilian use.

And Lamb, who had stomped around farms as a kid, was hooked.

“Everything just switched on around the same time,” he recalls. Lamb’s team was modifying GPS devices and attaching them to grain harvesters next to weight monitors and calculatin­g variations in crop yields.

Lamb soon realised that with all the technologi­cal advances in the industry, the need for physics-trained researcher­s in agricultur­e was critical.

The SMART Farm is a way to show people what a career in agricultur­e in the 21st century can look like.

The project has attracted attention within and outside of Australia, garnering significan­t funding from industry partners in Australia and inspiring other researcher­s around the world to follow its lead.

The team’s collaborat­ors at the University of New Mexico, for instance, are using similar livestock tracking technology for rangeland management in the American Southwest.

“Farming of the future is about sustainabl­e intensific­ation – we have the tools now where we can monitor, manage and manipulate the way we do things to get the best out of the soil as well as our limited water and nutrients,” Lamb says.

But more physicists are needed. Forget supercolli­ders – agricultur­e can be just as fun and challengin­g.

“I’m doing more physics than I’ve ever done,” Lamb says. “I’m outdoors in the paddock – and I’m having heaps of fun doing it.”

 ?? CREDIT: SIMON SCOTT ?? University of New England physicist David Lamb says precision agricultur­e is transformi­ng the industry.
CREDIT: SIMON SCOTT University of New England physicist David Lamb says precision agricultur­e is transformi­ng the industry.

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