
Cosmos crossword


ACROSS 3. Amphibians split from the groups that would give rise to mammals, birds, and reptiles during the end of this geological period. 5. A neutron star with an extremely powerful magnetic field, born from a supernova. 6. The ampullae of _ is a shark sensory organ that detects electrical currents. 10. The name of the planetoid that collided with earth around 4.5 billion years ago which led to the formation of the moon, according the Giant Impact hypothesis. 12. Alongside humans and short-finned pilot whales, the only other species that undergoes menopause. 13. Single layers of pure carbon atoms bonded in a honeycomb formation. 15. Just enough starlight reaches planets located in the _ zone to allow liquid water to form on their surface. 16. Words that sound identical but mean different things. 17. An antibiotic belonging to the beta-lactam subset of antibiotic­s, used to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria.

DOWN 1. A greenhouse gas 28 times more powerful than carbon dioxide. 2. The part of the brain responsibl­e for higher cognitive function, such as language. 4. Part of the brain associated with fear and emotion. Answers will be published in issue 74. 5. Immune cells in the brain that consume waste and debris. 7. One of the two primary chemicals used in deodorants that acts to kill bacteria. 8. Families of particles identical to those of matter, but with opposite charge. 9. Chemical compounds that enhance the complex flavours of aged red wine. 11. A group of over 50 galaxies in which our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is located (5, 5) 14. The name given to the robot with the highest robotic vertical jumping agility ever recorded.

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