
What was the earliest animal?

Genetic sequencing is finding new answers to ancient questions, writes ANDREW MASTERSON.


Just a couple of genes are responsibl­e for one of the longest running arguments in evolutiona­ry biology: which came first, the sponge or the jelly?

A new study, led by Antonis Rokas of Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, US, analysed thousands of genes sequenced from target organisms to try to resolve the issue.

Rokas and colleagues set out to determine whether marine sponges or ocean predators known as comb jellies represente­d the oldest branch of the animal family tree.

For the best part of a century, sponges were held to be the earliest form of animal life, based on the simplicity of their structures. In recent decades, however, genetic sequencing has thrown up comb jellies – or ctenophore­s – as a better candidate.

And thus the argument has raged. A 2008 study favoured the jellies. Earlier this year, another opted for the sponges.

For Rokas’s team, the object of the analysis was not only to try to resolve the matter but also to understand how the controvers­y arose in the first place. After all, in 95% of cases genetic sequencing answers questions of evolutiona­ry precedence without ambiguity.

To do so, the researcher­s dug into the fine detail of genes shared across the two groups. “The trick is to examine the gene sequences from different organisms to figure out who they identify as their closest relatives,” explains Rokas. “When you look at a particular gene in an organism, let’s call it A, we ask if it is most closely related to its counterpar­t in organism B? Or to its counterpar­t in organism C? And by how much?”

By applying this method, the team determined that comb jellies diverged from a mutual ancestor first.

Phylogenet­ic data creates these occasional controvers­ies, the researcher­s discovered, because a handful of “strongly opinionate­d” genes sometimes confound the statistica­l analyses employed to produce results. By correcting for the influence of these genes, Rokas and colleagues hope that future conflicts can be resolved quickly. The study was published in Nature Ecology and Evolution. (See page 52).

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