
Defining the problem of purpose

- Penguin Random House (2017) RRP $ 32.99 Paperback

THE ODDS, THEREFORE, are negligible that we live in the origin universe, and considerab­le that we are quite a few steps down the layers of reality. Everything you know, everything you have ever seen or experience­d, is probably not what it appears to be. The most alarming notion is that someone – or everyone – you know might be an avatar of someone a level up; they know that you’re a game piece, that you’re invented and they are real. Perhaps that explains your sense of unfulfille­d potential: you truly are incomplete, a semi-autonomous reflection of something vast. And yet, if so, what does that say about those vast ones beyond? Are they just replicatin­g a truth they secretly recognise about themselves? Russian dolls, one inside the other, until the smallest doll embraces the outermost and everything begins again? Who really inhabits whom, and who is in control?

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