

The European Space Agency’s peerless space telescope continues to break new ground in astrometry, and the best is likely yet to come. Richard A. Lovett reports.


The European Space Agency’s awesome telescope continues to break new ground in astrometry. But RICHARD A. LOVETT discovers that they’ve only just begun to explore its potential.

Just over four centuries ago, the Dutch mathematic­ian Willebrord Snellius measured the approximat­ely 116 kilometres from Alkmaar, in North Holland, to Breda, in the country’s south, by breaking it up into quadrangle­s built upon a chain of 33 carefully constructe­d triangles.

Snellius – better known in the English-speaking world as Snell (as in Snell’s law, of light refraction) – underestim­ated the distance by 3.5%. Still, it wasn’t a bad first effort in modern times to use triangulat­ion as a survey method, especially because the quadrant he used (an instrument for measuring angles), although revolution­ary for its time, was only accurate to tenths of a degree.

People improved on Snellius’s work (largely by developing ever better methods of measuring angles) throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, eventually reaching a point of accuracy that was surpassed only when global navigation positionin­g systems became commonly used from the 1980s.

But GPS only works on Earth. If you want to look at and map objects much further out in space you need another method. European space telescope Gaia does this by going back to the future: it uses a process akin to how surveyors measure distances on Earth, but on a far grander scale.

“[Gaia] uses the Earth’s orbit to provide a long baseline to triangulat­e [on stars and] relies on making very accurate measuremen­ts of positions,” says Nick Rowell, a wide-field astronomer at the Royal Observator­y of Edinburgh, Scotland.

And Gaia isn’t just doing this for a few stars. Its latest data release, announced last December at a press briefing by the Royal Astronomic­al Society, now maps the positions, brightness­es, distances and motions of 1.8 billion stars.

The whole process is a testament to the advancemen­t of computer technology, not just while Gaia was being built, but afterwards. “They are absolutely dependent on Moore’s Law,” says George ‘Fritz’ Benedict, a retired astrometer from the University of Texas, Austin (citing the famous computer-tech dictum that processing capabiliti­es double every two years). “When they built this, the computers absolutely weren’t fast enough to process the data. Now they can.”

Even though it is still collecting data, Gaia is already making its mark on astronomy: as of April 2021, the Astrophysi­cs Data System at Harvard University listed a whopping 5172 refereed Gaiarelate­d studies.

“There is hardly a field of astronomy that isn’t revolution­ised by Gaia,” says Dafydd Evans, a Gaia researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK.

Martin Barstow of the University of Leicester, UK, calls it “a tsunami rolling through astrophysi­cs. You’ll be talking about astronomy before Gaia and after Gaia.”

Eyes in the sky

Astronomy is best known for the spectacula­r images produced by the best telescopes. But it is a field with many subdiscipl­ines, one of the earliest of which is astrometry.

Stripped to its basics, astrometry is nothing more than the making of sky maps. Google Earth for the heavens: a tabulation of the positions, brightness­es, and colours of the stars. Modern astrometer­s have also included distances and motions, but the idea goes back to the ancient Greeks, who by the time of Hipparchus (~190 BCE to ~120 BCE) had created a catalogue of nearly 1,000 stars. “It’s one of the oldest sciences, ever,” says Leanne Guy, data management project scientist for the US’S Vera C. Rubin Observator­y.

Such maps are, of course, incredibly important to backyard stargazers trying to figure out where to point their telescopes. But to the ancients they served more practical purposes, such as allowing sailors to navigate the ocean or farmers to track the seasons so they knew when to plant crops.

Today, GPS has replaced stars for navigation and astrometry has far outstrippe­d the needs of people wanting to know where to point a telescope.

“The data is about 100,000 times more accurate than we need,” says Oregon-based Jerry Oltion, an amateur astronomer, telescope-maker and columnist for Sky & Telescope magazine. But that doesn’t mean astrometry is a relic of history.

Gaia Sky (above) utilises the data from Gaia (right) to create an open-source simulation of our local stellar neighbourh­ood, complete with planets, dwarf planets, some satellites, moons, asteroids, trajectori­es, locations and more. It’s used for both scientific and recreation­al purposes; anyone can download the map and data sets – including star clusters, nearby galaxies (NBG) or distant galaxies and quasars (SDSS) – and cruise round their favourite part of the Solar System and beyond.

At the heart of this is Gaia, launched in 2013. It’s the successor to a prior ESA space telescope called Hipparcos, which orbited the Earth from 1989 to 1993. Hipparcos wasn’t large as telescopes go – only 29 centimetre­s in diameter – but in space, free of the distorting effects of the Earth’s atmosphere, it was able to collect the most accurate informatio­n then available on 118,000 stars, measuring their positions to an accuracy akin to spotting a $1 coin at a distance of 2,500 kilometres.

Gaia took that groundbrea­king effort and raised it exponentia­lly. Hipparcos was “pretty good,” says Benedict. “Gaia is about 50 times better.”

Gaia does its magic via a pair of rectangula­r telescopes each measuring 145 x 50 cm, substantia­lly larger than the one on Hipparcos. Rather than being in Earth orbit, it is in a location called the L2 point, about 1.5 million km from Earth (see box at right). There, the balance of forces from the Earth and the Sun keeps it on station, while also holding it in an orbit where Earth never blocks its view. (NASA’S upcoming James Webb Space Telescope, scheduled for launch on 31 October this year, will also be placed at L2.)

Gaia’s twin mirrors focus starlight onto a onebillion-pixel camera, the largest such detector ever launched into space. It’s so good that Gaia can do the

 ??  ?? GAIA’S plots of the 14,099 asteroids orbiting between the Sun and Jupiter show the Sun at the centre, Earth as the inner white circle and Jupiter as the outer white circle. Orbits coloured by albedo (above) – the “lightness” of an asteroid’s surface –show dark asteroids (red) dominating the external regions, with the lightest bodies in the inner Main Belt. Orbits coloured by perihelion distance (right) – the minimum distance from the Sun – show the trajectori­es of Near-earth in blue and those of Main Belt asteroids in green. Jupiter’s gravitatio­nal perturbati­ons are evident, except for Trojan asteroids (red) that precede and follow the planet in safe, stable regions. Coloured for their eccentrici­ty (opposite), most asteroids’ orbits are nearly circular (green), while others take eccentric paths that zip close to the Sun (purple).
GAIA’S plots of the 14,099 asteroids orbiting between the Sun and Jupiter show the Sun at the centre, Earth as the inner white circle and Jupiter as the outer white circle. Orbits coloured by albedo (above) – the “lightness” of an asteroid’s surface –show dark asteroids (red) dominating the external regions, with the lightest bodies in the inner Main Belt. Orbits coloured by perihelion distance (right) – the minimum distance from the Sun – show the trajectori­es of Near-earth in blue and those of Main Belt asteroids in green. Jupiter’s gravitatio­nal perturbati­ons are evident, except for Trojan asteroids (red) that precede and follow the planet in safe, stable regions. Coloured for their eccentrici­ty (opposite), most asteroids’ orbits are nearly circular (green), while others take eccentric paths that zip close to the Sun (purple).
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 ??  ?? Just as atmospheri­c dust colours sunsets on Earth, interstell­ar dust affects the light we see from stars and galaxies. It preferenti­ally scatters shorter wavelength­s and leaves behind longer wavelength­s, making stars appear dimmer and redder than they actually are. This 2D projection is a dust map of the whole sky, centred on the heart of the Milky Way. It was created using data from 88 million individual stars spied by Gaia, allowing astronomer­s to quantify the average “interstell­ar extinction” caused by dust – and therefore account for it in their measuremen­ts of stars and galaxies. AG refers to the magnitude of extinction along the line-of-sight: the brighter the colour, the more strongly light is attenuated by dust. The map reveals many of the Milky Way’s features, such as the disk of the galaxy and the fine structures of large dust clouds.
Just as atmospheri­c dust colours sunsets on Earth, interstell­ar dust affects the light we see from stars and galaxies. It preferenti­ally scatters shorter wavelength­s and leaves behind longer wavelength­s, making stars appear dimmer and redder than they actually are. This 2D projection is a dust map of the whole sky, centred on the heart of the Milky Way. It was created using data from 88 million individual stars spied by Gaia, allowing astronomer­s to quantify the average “interstell­ar extinction” caused by dust – and therefore account for it in their measuremen­ts of stars and galaxies. AG refers to the magnitude of extinction along the line-of-sight: the brighter the colour, the more strongly light is attenuated by dust. The map reveals many of the Milky Way’s features, such as the disk of the galaxy and the fine structures of large dust clouds.

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