Cross Stitcher



We asked our fans on Facebook, “Do you like to wear your cross stitch?”

FIONA CHRISTIE I’ve made various t-shirts with designs from CrossStitc­her using soluble canvas... mainly VW campers and ice-cream cones. Everyone admires them in the summer. I also have a pile of cross stitch necklaces which started with a ’99 ice-cream one from a pattern in CrossStitc­her five years ago.

EMILY TESSIER Earrings! I would love to stitch earrings for me and my daughters... Hope it will be in your next issue... Thanks from France ;).

VALERIE FISHER BURNLEY Earrings, necklaces, and now a bunny brooch… always get comments, LOL.

FAYE LANCASTER I cross stitched one of the designs from your magazine onto a pair of canvas shoes and a jacket.

MELISSA DONALD I end up with holes in my jeans from work. I patch them and then cover the patch with cross stitch. It’s just like new jeans with embellishm­ents!

PAM CARNES Only a plain hoodie, that I had to add a bit of stitching to jazz it up.

CHARLOTTE WILSON I wear one of your free gifts of a wooden cross stitch on ribbon tied to my handbag to liven it up!

PATRICIA IVENS-BENTLEY I have a pair of earrings from a free gift on a magazine that I wear all the time :).

AMY WAREING Possibly a keyring but that’s it! Prefer my projects big and for the home.

CHANDA VANDUSER I love stitching shirts… probably done over 10 of them :).

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