Cycling Plus

£100-plus helmets

Not all helmets are created equal – if you want to look and feel more ‘pro’, here are 16 premier league lids


You might baulk at the thought of spending over £100 on a bicycle helmet, but even if you’ve been happy with the £50 lid you’ve had for the last 10 years or more, you might want to consider lavishing a little more to protect arguably the most precious part of your body. A cheaper helmet, as long as it meets certain standards (see page 130), will offer protection, but there are other factors to consider such as design, fit, weight and comfort, which tend to improve the more money you spend. Helmets also deteriorat­e over time, so an older model won’t necessaril­y be as effective when called upon as a new one, without factoring in progress and the improvemen­ts in safety over the years.

Many of the helmets featured here can regularly be seen adorning the heads of pro riders, and some are designed with input from them. Of course they’re paid to wear certain products, but they’re also generally fussy and driven individual­s who don’t suffer inferior equipment. Top helmets have evolved to meet demands of riders racing up to seven hours in the heat of summer, and if they work in those conditions then they should cater for mere mortals who are probably trying just as hard, but not travelling quite as quickly.

Style and comfort will always be riderspeci­fic and subjective, but there’s no end of choices available. In the real world, any helmet around 250g can be considered light; some are far lighter, a few much heavier, but it only matters if those extra grams intrude on your ride. Ventilatio­n is important, as even in the UK you’ll get hot with an enclosed bucket on your head. Ventilatio­n means a cooler and clearer head, less sweat in your eyes, and the wind in your hair, plus the ability to ride further in comfort.

Although there are definitely some capable helmets for less money, take a look and see what a few extra pounds could do for your cranial comfort.

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