Cycling Plus

Top 4 stretches for cyclists

Stay supple and improve your cycling performanc­e with these four simple post-ride stretches from Yoga instructor Lorna Chapman


HamItUp Lie on your back, bend up the right knee, placing the foot flat on the floor. Raise the left leg, keeping it straight, but avoid locking the knee. Micro-bend the knee if prone to hyper-extension. Place a strap around the ball of the foot. Exhaling, gently draw the foot and toes towards you until you feel a stretch along the back of the leg, working the hamstrings and calves. Hold and breathe deeply. Then take leg across the body, keeping the left hip rooted down, to stretch the outside of the leg and the iliotibial band. Lycra Lunge This will stretch your quads – the muscles at the front of the thigh. Step the right foot forwards, bringing the ankle below the knee, and place the left knee on the floor behind. Slowly move in and out of the lunge several times, then hold to work the hip flexor. Now take your left hand to your left ankle or foot and draw the knee towards your buttocks for a deep quad stretch. Do not do this if it causes knee pain – if you are able to, roll over the kneecap onto the fleshy area above the knee. BumDeal As the name suggests, this will help stretch your glutes – aka your backside. Lie on your back with your knees bent. Bring your right foot across your left thigh, just above the knee. Place your right hand on your knee to open the hip a little. Then take both hands around the shin or back of thighs and lift the left foot off the floor to stretch the glutes and piriformis muscles. You can increase the intensity by raising your forehead towards your knees, but keep your core engaged and your shoulders relaxed. Bridge Over Troubl Waters Lie on your back and bend your knees, bringing the heels into the buttocks. Place the hands flat on the floor by your hips. Slowly raise and lower your back from the floor five times and then hold the hips up, pushing the feet into the floor. If possible, clasp the hands under the back to increase the stretch in the front of the shoulders. This counteract­s the rounded-back position you adopt in the saddle.

Do all four exercises on both sides. You’ll also find they do become easier with practice.


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