Cycling Plus




We don’t know why they’re called anchovies, but there are various tubeless plug kits around that work just like car tyre plugs. Find the hole, dab some sealing solution on, push the doubled-back anchovy through using the forked tool, then trim off the bit sticking out. Pump the tyre back up and ride on.


When things go wrong setting up tubeless tyres the results can be unpleasant. Wearing glasses and earplugs if using a compressor in a confined space are wise ideas. An apron and/or overalls will protect from sealant overspray. Be careful with rubber gloves when fitting tyres as the tips can get trapped between the tyre bead and rim


Tubeless set-ups need a lot of air to be forced rapidly into the tyre to pop it tight against the rim to create a seal. Highvolume track pumps work if you’ve got the muscle, but you can get pumps that compress a separate tank that can be released in one hit to create the initial pop.

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