Cycling Plus

“I cycled to the ‘South Pole’ in 26 hours”

Maria Leijerstam, 45, celebrated the 10th anniversar­y of her being the first person in the world to cycle to the South Pole, with a quirky 320km charity ride in Ireland

- Rob Kemp

“Back in 2014, while at a Captain Scott Society Dinner, I met Michael Smith, the author of several books on Tom Crean, who had been on the ill-fated expedition and found Scott’s body. Michael told me about the South Pole Inn, a pub in Annascaul, south-west Ireland that Crean had opened in 1929.

I’d attended the dinner after setting two world records as the first person in the world to cycle to the South Pole. I’d set off from the Ross Ice shelf on December 17, 2013, on a specially created three-wheel Polar Cycle and carrying 55kg of kit. I’d arrived at the pole 10 days, 14hrs and 56 minutes later having completed the fastest human-powered journey to the Pole.

Ten years later, I set out on a new and symbolic journey on December 17th 2023, cycling from Rosslare to the South Pole Inn. I planned the 320km day-night ride route to include towns where I could get supplies if needed.

Before the ride, I’d competed in the adventure racing world champs in South Africa, covering 800km on foot, bike and kayak over seven days with little sleep. I’d picked up a terrible stomach bug from drinking contaminat­ed water, so my training for the South Pole Inn ride consisted of sleeping a lot and eating to regain the 8kg I’d lost. My good friend Nick Russill came with me, and for the first part of the ride we were joined by local road cyclists, all wearing Tom Crean jerseys. I rode my Scott Scale 910 mountain bike, which I’ve cycled almost 10,000 miles on.

We faced 40kph headwinds the whole way and it rained for the last six hours. Just before dusk we arrived at Lismore, a beautiful town with a huge castle. We also passed Chris de Burgh’s castle! When we stopped at a pub just outside Mallow – having taken a wrong turn – the landlord and lady gave us a room to rest in and coffee before we set off again at 1am.

I felt a huge high arriving at the South Pole Inn after 26 hours. Seeing the pub’s magnificen­t memorabili­a from Scott’s and Shackleton’s expedition­s, I was transporte­d back into the heroic period of Antarctic exploratio­n. Tracy, who works at the pub, gave us tea, biscuits and a pint of Guinness. My first Cycle to the South Pole ended with a Guinness World Record and this one ended with a Guinness!”

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Maria on her record-breaking trip to the South Pole in 2013…
Left Maria on her record-breaking trip to the South Pole in 2013…
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…and at a South Pole of a very different kind 10 years later
Below …and at a South Pole of a very different kind 10 years later

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