DNA Magazine


Will’s good grooming guide to the gym.


HONESTLY, I generally look like an unmade bed when I get to gym at 5am each morning so who am I to give good grooming advice in the DNA Sports issue? To keep it real this month, I’ll cover some of the things I do know; sweaty pits, happy feet and hair removal.


As sexy as sweat can be, it’s a playground for bacteria. If the little bugs that live under your arms aren’t kept under control, when you exercise you’ll pong like week-old curry. This all means your underarms need attention. (I think I just turned myself on a bit there.)

I’m not partial to highly scented deodorants, so I recommend Nivea For Men Silver Protect Roll-On. The silver ions are highly active and fight against bacteria, providing 48-hour antiperspi­rant protection with little fragrance. Quick tip: For extra, long-term odor protection, use an anti-bacterial wash under your arms (use it on your feet, too) to kill the odor causing bacteria before using deodorants.


Our feet take a daily beating; carrying our weight while squashed into shoes, literally poaching in their own juices – eek!

Unfortunat­ely, all this trapped moisture can lead to fungal infections like tinea. Thankfully, tinea is easy to diagnose: your feet start peeling, which is seriously not attractive, foot fetish or not.

The good news is it can be treated with nonprescri­ption anti-fungal creams available at the pharmacy; or for a natural approach try using straight tea tree oil.

One thing to remember with tinea is to continue treatment for two weeks after the infection appears to have cleared, as it is usually still present even if not visible. Also, disinfect your shoes with a product like Glen 20 to keep them fresh.

Quick tip: A great way to look after your feet is to use a soothing foot gel while you sleep – something containing peppermint – or simply add six drops of peppermint oil to sorbolene cream and pop on some socks before bed.

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