DNA Magazine



Need the perfect tune to play as you sashay down the aisle, or for that all-important first dance with your new husband? Wedding In Berlin is the final song on Hotspot and is – hurrah! – the ultimate gay wedding anthem.

It’s gooey, goofy and with a refrain that goes: “We’re getting married, a lot of people do it / Don’t matter if they’re straight or gay / We’re getting married because we love each other / We’re getting married today”.

There’s also a typical bit of PSB irony in the title as Wedding happens to be the name of a hip area in the German capital.

“This was actually written for a wedding in Berlin for a friend of ours,” Neil explains. “He’s an artist who was getting married and we couldn’t get to the wedding, so we wrote this piece of music and pressed one copy as their wedding present. People really liked it at the wedding, then Stuart Price heard it and said we should put it on the album.”

It sounds like the perfect song for a wedding of any descriptio­n.

“I hope so,” Neil agrees. “It’s unusual going from The Wedding March into the song. It definitely has a good practical use for weddings, indeed.”

Surprising­ly it wasn’t originally even planned to be on the album. “We thought it would make an interestin­g B-side,” says Chris, deadpan.

Stonewall’s Equality Show at London’s Royal Albert Hall, having agreed to do so at the last minute. Before finishing with a hastily arranged version of Tom Jones’ It’s Not Unusual, they played a medley that included Sixteen Going On Seventeen (from The Sound Of Music), their classic 1990 hit Being Boring, Climb Every Mountain (also from The Sound Of Music) and their version of the Village People’s disco nugget Go West, which was a hit for the Boys in 1993.

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