DNA Magazine


British actor David Tag adds a dash of gruff charm to TV’s Hollyoaks – and the DNA cover.

- Photograph­y by Dan Collins.

The British actor adds a dash of gruff charm to TV’s Hollyoaks – and the DNA cover. Photograph­y by Dan Collins.

What do I wear to bed? Nothing.

DNA: You play Sylver McQueen in UK TV drama, Hollyoaks. Tell us about him. David Tag: My character is misunderst­ood. He’s a gentle giant who has been falsely accused of a crime that sent him to prison for 18 years. He’d do anything for anyone, especially his family, and has a very short fuse that you wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of.

I’ve not always been aware of my sex appeal, no. I was a geeky, skinny kid…

Well… Sylver ends up killing his own mother! Yes. Very, very dramatic! [Laughs.]

How do you approached that as an actor? That storyline had been going for a while. Sylver finally finds out that his mum is a killer and had sent him down for a murder she committed. I sat down with the director (Neil Wilkinson) and my acting coach (David Crowley) and we broke down a few of the pivotal scenes. I made sure we were all on the same page. I love doing scenes like that. You get to show off your ability and really let go.

Were you a fan of the show before being cast? Yes – it was always the sexy soap; the village where all the beautiful people lived. I watched it intermitte­ntly through my twenties and obviously I’m a huge fan now! The show has had numerous gay characters over the years; do you think they’ve been well depicted?

Yes, I think one of the most progressiv­e things about the show is the diversity of characters. The gay characters rarely, if ever, are portrayed as being overtly camp and they are always interestin­g and well loved.

How are you in such great shape?

I used to be a personal trainer so I learned the science behind getting into shape. Now I’m an actor and this requires me to stay in shape all year round.

What kind of training system do you use? The main systems I use are heavy weight training and a calorie deficit. I usually keep my protein high but cut my carbs and fat week by week before a shoot.

You look very relaxed and sexy in front of the camera. Does it feel natural for you?

Thank you very much! When I had my first shoot I felt extremely uncomforta­ble, but due to the nature of my work I feel more relaxed each time I do one. It still takes a little bit of time to warm into it though. Especially when you’ve only got a pair of underpants on!

Is this your first magazine cover?

Yes! It’s been one of my dreams to be featured on the front cover of a magazine. So this can be checked off my bucket list! Hopefully there’ll be more to come.

Have you always been an active, healthy guy? Yes, I’ve always gone to the gym since I was a teenager and always been conscious of what I eat. But on the flip side, I know how to relax and enjoy myself and I did that considerab­ly this Christmas just gone!

Have you always been aware of your sex appeal?

I’ve not always been aware of my sex appeal, no. I was a geeky, skinny kid and it wasn’t until my early twenties when I started getting a bit of attention. Then my mid-twenties I started taking control of it and using it to my advantage.

Has anyone ever referred to you as a DILF? [Laughing] Even though I don’t have any children I’m constantly referred to as a DILF, especially on my social media. Very flattering. You are smooth in this shoot; do you ever let your chest hair grow out? Do you like it? Yes, I let my body hair grow out whenever I can. I like being furry. I shave for my role on the show. The bosses like me smooth so I have to keep it up as I have a lot of topless scenes. But when I’m on holiday I let it all grow out. What do you look for in a romantic partner? Someone who is beautiful, loyal, brutally honest, enjoys travel, good restaurant­s, lazy days on the couch and the nature of my work. You’re rocking the tighty-whities in this shoot. What’s your preferred underwear style?

My preferred underwear is short-cut boxers, not too tight as I like room to breathe.

What do you wear to bed?

What do I wear to bed? Nothing.

Even though I don’t have any children I’m constantly referred to as a DILF… It’s very flattering.

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MORE: Find David on Instagram @davidtagof­ficial
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