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SAGITTARIU­S: One of your children may slow you down. You will have to hurry more than usual to make your appointmen­ts. Your home and family will be your focus. CAPRICORN: You will have to plan several trips. You will need to clarify a number of small matters at work and with the family. You might also be privy to an astonishin­g secret. AQUARIUS: You’ll finally receive the green light to finance a project. You might consider starting your own business at home or with a relative. PISCES: Despite all the hustle and bustle, you may have the impression that things are not moving ahead fast enough. You may suggest some rather ambitious projects. The luckiest signs this week: Gemini, Cancer and Leo groundwork, and before long you will have set a new life in motion.

VIRGO: It’s always easier to get along with people to whom we’re not linked emotionall­y. One of your kids may stretch your patience a bit on matters of discipline.

LIBRA: You will need to factor in a bunch of details. At work, you will be in charge of organising an event for many people, and your communicat­ion skills will be put to the test.

SCORPIO: Your leadership skills will be called for at work or elsewhere. At the very least your talents will help resolve a conflict between two parties, and you will be considered a hero for saving the day.

ARIES: Your health may slow you down a little. Take it as an opportunit­y to pull back and take stock of your future, both profession­al and personal.

TAURUS: Stress may be here, there and everywhere, but see it for what it is: a fountain of energy with the power to bolster your efficiency. When your back’s against the wall, miracles tend to happen.

GEMINI: You’ll be granted new responsibi­lities at work that won’t necessaril­y mesh with your talents, but they will lead to a nice promotion.

CANCER: Seeing students in classroom situations will inspire you to do the same. A bright future lies ahead for you with the new knowledge you will acquire.

LEO: Your return to work has already taken on a decidedly routine flavour and you will find yourself craving change. Plan a little and do some

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