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WHAT would it be like to live in a country where people did not get along? Not many people would know but the world according to me is very different. The world is a bizarre place where no one knows you. It’s a world of peace and harmony. But most people do not see what I see, people overseas see a world of terror and horror. The world according to me is a world of knowledge and history.

If the world could stop for two minutes and do something wonderful and kind for one another, the world could be brought together by love and happiness. The world can be beautiful and have blue skies DQG ÀRZLQJ ULYHUV EXW LW LV QRW OLNH that in some places. Somewhere there will always be someone dying in war or suffering from starvation or abuse. The world is a strange place to live, most people do not understand why they are even alive.

Take a look in the mirror and thank the world for letting you be in its presence, thank it for the sun and trees, and all the wonderful things around you.

That is the world according to me.

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