Dubbo Photo News

PAPARAZZI You know it’s cold when...


You know it’s cold when... the river freezes:

Regular Paparazzi contributo­r Peter went down to the river earlier this week and spotted this unusual event at Devil’s Elbow. “I was amazed that in some of the shallows and on the shady side of logs, the river had turned to ice. I was there at around 10am when I took this photo,” Peter explained.

You know it’s cold when... Dubbo trees have icicles:

DPN reader Amelia took this photo early on Saturday morning, July 21. The council’s sprinklers were on and spraying water across the grass and trees in front of the community garden on Macquarie Street. “Automatic sprinklers and the chilly morning created the most beautiful sight,” Amelia said.

You know it’s cold when... the Milky Way is as clear as crystal:

Photograph­er Sarah O’neill didn’t let the extreme cold earlier last week stop her from taking an awesome photo. Sarah told us: “I captured this in my backyard on the coldest night on record. The combinatio­n of dry crisp air and a waning crescent moon made the atmosphere perfect to get this photograph.” Great photo, Sarah! It looks like you could just reach out and touch the stars!

You know it’s cold when... the grass has an ice path:

Regular Paparazzi contributo­r Jack took this photo near the community garden on Macquarie Street where the council’s sprinklers were creating a path between layers of ice. It’s like a scene out of Disney’s “Frozen”!

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