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z Sir Cecil Chubb, a wealthy and highly respected barrister, really raised the bar for birthday gifts when he purchased Stonehenge (yes, you read that right) for his wife after World War I. But was she suitably impressed? Apparently not – what she actually wanted that year was curtains!

z Caffeine doesn’t just help you stay awake. It also serves the function of a pesticide in the coffee plant.

z Due to the humid and moist conditions that a sloth lives in, moss and other similar plants will sometimes grow in its hair. Sloths also have very poor eyesight. Those two factors can sometimes culminate in a sloth grabbing its own arm, thinking it’s a branch, and falling to its death.

z During the Elizabetha­n era, coal tar was used as mascara, eyebrow pencil and eyeliner... despite the fact it’s flammable, has a bad smell and caused blindness.

z A reporter, commenting to Gene Roddenberr­y on the casting of Patrick Stewart in “Star Trek: The Next Generation” said, “Surely by the 24th century, they would have found a cure for male pattern baldness.” Replied Roddenberr­y: “No, by the 24th century, no one will care.”

z High-frequency sounds enhance the sweetness in food, while low frequencie­s bring out the bitterness.

z Only one Mcdonald’s in the world has turquoise arches. Government officials in Sedona, Arizona, thought the yellow would look bad with the natural red rock of the city.

z In 1910, Virginia Woolf and her friends donned costumes and fake beards in order to convince the Royal Navy they were a group of Abyssinian princes, pulling off what became known as the

“Dreadnough­t Hoax” and earning a 40-minute guided tour of the ship. z If you go to a garage sale and an item catches your eye, don’t be afraid to haggle. If the owner can’t agree to your price, give them your name and phone number. If it doesn’t sell, the seller might be ready to accept a lower price.

z “You can sprinkle a bit of baking soda on your porcelain sinks for a non-harsh scrub. It serves a double purpose, because it will also freshen and absorb odours, then get washed right down the drain!” – M.M.

z Wash and save yoghurt cups for kids to use for painting. You can set several in a shallow baking tray to keep them together and upright.

z “I have a beautiful glass window in my front door. Unfortunat­ely, once a day, the sun comes streaming through it and seems to magnify. I have a couple of hooks that are backed by suction cups. I can hang a garden flag from the hooks to cover the window. Sometimes I even use it at night for privacy. It still looks pretty from the other side if I don’t take it down, and it didn’t involve any holes in my door!” – W.D. z Make-up bags make the perfect place to stash extra cords and accessorie­s for your computer or other devices. Put them in a basket and all your tech will stay orderly. z Car Wash Tips: Use a soap that’s made for vehicles, because it’s less likely to strip the protective coating off your paint. Don’t wash in full sun if possible. If you must, then work in small sections to keep soap from drying on the car. Rinse off your sponge regularly – the dirt and grime can scratch the surface. Use a microfiber cloth to dry.

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