
While Bungie doesn’t share Destiny 2’ s player numbers, some fuzzy metrics do exist: its position on Twitch, for example, or the population of the weekly Trials Of Osiris PVP event. Jonke has one of his own. Since early in Destiny’s life, he has made a video every week, running down the location and inventory of Xur, a merchant who, every Friday, offers a random selection of exotic gear. “I have this number I call The Xur Index, where you can tell how healthy the game is at any point by looking at the viewer numbers of my videos. They’re pointless – it’s just a tradition that I’ve had for so long – but now we’ve reached the point where it’s not even worth doing them anymore.” He made his final Xur video on January 22, three years and three months into Destiny’s planned ten-year life.

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