36 Martha Is Dead PC

Photograph­y becomes gruesome in LKA’s historical horror


Developer/publisher | LKA

Format | PC

Origin | Italy

Release | TBA

Set in Italy during the Second World War, firstperso­n horror story Martha Is Dead is about lifting the skin in more ways than one. As it begins, the title character is taking photograph­s of a lake near her home, the real-life town of San Casciano in Val di Pesa, when she stumbles on the floating body of her sister Julia. Martha dreams of her terrible discovery throughout the game: in one such vision, she carves off the dead girl’s face and drapes it across her own, such that you are made to look through the eyes of both sisters at once. Staged with jarring lack of fuss, the scene reflects not just Martha’s guilt at surviving Julia, but a kind of violence intrinsic to the otherwise-familiar modelling techniques that bring the game’s wartime Italy to life.

Developed by LKA – otherwise known for psychologi­cal drama The Town Of Light, which was set in a real-world abandoned asylum – Martha Is Dead makes extensive use of photogramm­etry, the process of recreating objects by photograph­ing them from different angles and wrapping the images around a mesh. Popular among developers who can’t afford huge art teams, photogramm­etry can be likened to taxidermy. It is about slicing away the surface of an object and stitching the pieces back together. Or at least, so we find ourselves thinking after witnessing Martha’s bloody defacing of her sister, whose flayed cheekbones are rendered with the same care as the other items we encounter in our demo: delicate toy horses, a lustrous hardback storybook and a looping gilt frame that seems to writhe in the candleligh­t.

The vaguely cadaverous aspect of these exquisitel­y captured artefacts is heightened by the game’s inviting you to play photograph­er in turn – to explore photograph­y as a kind of body horror, carving away pieces of reality for considerat­ion and recombinat­ion. Martha’s camera is one of the game’s key puzzle-solving props: you use it to collect evidence as you tackle the riddle of Julia’s death, developing the images later in a darkroom. The camera itself is a delight to manipulate, and while this isn’t an exact simulation, there’s an enticing element of craft involved: expose the film for too long when taking photograph­s and you’ll ruin them.

Julia’s death itself appears to be a recreation, mirroring that of a woman whose spirit is said to haunt the lake. LKA hopes to keep players guessing about whether the game’s stranger moments are of supernatur­al origin or manifestat­ions of the character’s anguish. Some of Martha’s dreams recall the likes of Red Candle’s Devotion: one sees you hurrying through a forest, choosing between left or right turns in order to combine words into a sentence, as though racing across a gigantic ouija board. If this is a ghost story, however, it is one rooted in the language of the everyday, albeit an ‘everyday’ haunted by passing bomber formations. “The radio and the newspaper will tell you part of the story, what’s happening around you in the game,” creative director Luca Dalcò tells us. Photograph­y aside, you will ride bicycles, play the piano and leaf through a journal of Martha’s thoughts and speculatio­ns.

In channellin­g the paranormal, LKA has granted itself more artistic leeway than was possible with its previous game. “In The Town Of Light, I knew that I must pay a lot of attention to the recreation, whereas this time the story is more fictional,” Dalcò continues. “I feel more free to represent the psychologi­cal aspects in a horrific way.” The developers will need to be careful nonetheles­s in their portrayal of mental health – trauma in fiction is too often cheapened for being reimagined as some kind of phantasm, and The Town Of Light sometimes felt gratuitous in its representa­tion of a woman’s suffering. Such caveats aside, LKA is onto something fascinatin­g with Martha Is Dead. Many are the horror games that conjure up a forgotten time and place in the service of the macabre. This is one of the few that suggests that the act of restoratio­n might be macabre in itself.

In one vision, she carves off the dead girl’s face and drapes it across her own

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? LKA’s games reflect its founder Luca Dalcò’s long experience working with 3D graphics in documentar­ies, theatre stage design and cultural heritage projects
LKA’s games reflect its founder Luca Dalcò’s long experience working with 3D graphics in documentar­ies, theatre stage design and cultural heritage projects
 ??  ?? RIGHT The anxiety of a town caught between battlefron­ts is mirrored in Martha’s own parentage – her mother is Italian and her father German, making her something of a pariah
RIGHT The anxiety of a town caught between battlefron­ts is mirrored in Martha’s own parentage – her mother is Italian and her father German, making her something of a pariah
 ??  ?? ABOVE LKA is no stranger to disturbing scenes. TheTown OfLight featured a depiction of a lobotomy, though this was far less theatrical than Martha Is Dead’s mutilation­s.
ABOVE LKA is no stranger to disturbing scenes. TheTown OfLight featured a depiction of a lobotomy, though this was far less theatrical than Martha Is Dead’s mutilation­s.
 ??  ?? TOP While MarthaIsDe­ad is no branching narrative epic, your decisions will be reflected to some degree in conversati­ons between characters, Luca Dalcò says.
TOP While MarthaIsDe­ad is no branching narrative epic, your decisions will be reflected to some degree in conversati­ons between characters, Luca Dalcò says.
 ??  ?? TOP Photogramm­etry excels at capturing wood and stonework, but struggles with reflective surfaces – these must be constructe­d the old-fashioned way, to the same level of finish.
TOP Photogramm­etry excels at capturing wood and stonework, but struggles with reflective surfaces – these must be constructe­d the old-fashioned way, to the same level of finish.
 ??  ?? ABOVE The developer is recording English language dialogue, but strongly suggests players opt for the original languages with subtitles
ABOVE The developer is recording English language dialogue, but strongly suggests players opt for the original languages with subtitles

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